[quote=ErsatzEmperor] Hi there - been keeping an eye on your DW stuff for a while; quick question though: would you be averse to attempting a two Doctors kind of plot? If yes, forget I said anything, I'd love to chip in with my Nine (if you'll have it.) If no I'd love to work out the details. Regardless, I eagerly await some form of reply, be it here or through PMs (I'll be subscribing to this thread once I've left this message). Right. End of message. [/quote] Hello yourself. I wouldn't mind dealing with two Doctors, granted the repercussions should be considered if two Doctors were so close by, I assume it might attract some trouble, if not jumped time/space around a bit. it sounds like you may have an idea there, but I'd love to converse further and see where our expectations and interests lie so we're both happy together. That may have sounded weird.