[quote=Leigha Moscove] I don't really care where the setting is. Sorry, It's been a few months since I've RPed on this site, so I'm not really sure what to do next. Mind helping me remember a bit? Like, where do character Sheets go? Is there an OOC thread for 1x1? What do you want in a character sheet? Could you start any threads that we need? Since it'll take me a while to write up a character sheet anyways. [/quote] Before I set up an OOC/IC thread (which would be our next step) I still feel like we should hash out some things before committing to a thread for further discussion. I feel like we still need to at least figure out a general plot before characters come into play. You mentioned you didn't need all the elements in the story, fine by me though i suggested how it could be possible...if you'd rather just do slice of life, I'd like to know that we're not doing the online game as well, I couldn't tell if you were on board or not with that idea. If we were, we'd need to figure out some conflict to keep both settings (online and off) relevant. There could be some long spanning "quest" in the game but the real challenge would be touching upon the characters in real life and how they interact, if at all.