Character sheet format is a go. Legal Name: (The name you were born with. If you legally changed your name include both.) Alias(es): (any name your friends call you and/or secret identities.) Physical Appearance: (height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, etc. This is where you put pictures.) Race: (the ethnic group of your ancestors.) Gender: (whatever it is you've got between your legs.) Date of Birth: (the day you were born/activated/removed from your cloning tube/etc) Supernormal Category: (If you have no powers you're a Mundane Human. If you got powers from your parents you're a Standard Deviation Human. If you were genetically engineered you're a Transgenic Hybrid. If you're one of the above but with robot parts you're a Cyborg + whatever other category. Same if you're a vampire or werewolf.) Powers/Skills/Training: (Any supernormal abilites are powers, being naturally good at something is a skill and being taught something is training.) Equipment/Property: (Anything you carry on your person when going out and any major possessions or properties you own.) History: (Where you came from and what you did before you started the game. Also to be updated with any major events you go through as the RP goes on.) Legal Status: (Do you have a criminal record? Any special rights, privelages or restrictions? Etc) Group Membership: (Any major organizations you are part of such as the DSE, the Police, some sort of gang or even the league of masks.) Other: (Anything you feel is important that doesn't fit another category.)