Aslin was vaguely aware of someone speaking to her. She looked up and saw a blurry figure saying something about... the day? Why was she asking what day it was? Or was she testing to see if Aslin was concussed? In that case, she was probably asking how many fingers she was holding up. Yeah, that's it. "Uh... four?" Aslin mumbled, but went unheard as yet another larger blob came forward and said that it was Tuesday. Or did he say two days? Why would he say two days... Ah, clearly he had said two, as in two fingers. That made perfect sense in Aslin's currently dazed mind. But didn't Aslin guess four? Or was it three? If the answer was two, then that meaned she was probably knocked loopy, and that wasn't a good thi- Aslin's thoughts were interrupted as she was given a hearty smack on the back. She fell forward, mumbling something about more beowolves attacking. She didn't really move, however, as she laid there staring at the dirt she was lying on. "You massive fucking oaf!" Nicoleta screamed at Aurellius, uncaring that she'd just yelled at Aurellius with some hateful words. She leaned down to Aslin, putting a hand to her head. "You're still with us, right? Please, say something!" Aslin felt a hand on her head and winced at the pain, however it had the strange effect of snapping her back to reality somewhat. She looked up at the blur, which was slowing coming into focus and noticed it was Nicoleta. "Ow... I just... I just need a minute. I'm a bit battered." She sat back up and shook her head slightly to try and shake the cloudiness, only serving to further her migraine. "Just stay sitting, please. Really." Nicoleta put a hand to Aslin's shoulder, sitting infront of her. "What's your name?" She asked. Aslin rubbed her temples. "Ugh... Aslin. Aslin Forlak." Aslin reactively touched her hand to Nicoleta's, and then something strange happened. Nicoleta's deep orange aura became actively visible, and Aslin's fading but still existant violet aura also came into view. However, it could be seen that Nicoleta's orange aura started moving into Aslin's. Aslin's head started aching less rather quickly, and her vision cleared rapidly. Nicoleta however, started to feel mildly sick as her aura was being absorbed. Nicoleta recoiled, scowling. She tried to pull her hand away as she suddenly felt the sickness, falling back. "What are you doing. . .?" Aslin shook her head, surprised. She felt... reinvigorated. "I... I don't know. I've- I've never done that before. I think I... I absorbed some of your aura?" Nicoleta held up her hand infront of her, the further weakened aura glowing like a distant star, barely visible. "I. . . guess I'm glad that I could help. Do you feel like you can stand?" She stood up, holding out a hand to Aslin. Aslin took it and was pulled to her feet. She still felt like she was hit by a truck - she almost literally was, twice - but her mind no longer felt like scrambled eggs. "Y-yeah, sorry. I think I'm ready to go." "Take it easy, Aslin. You're an important part to this team, and I won't let you die off on me." Nicoleta nodded once. "Now, we have a relic to find, so we should try to get ourselves ready to go again." "Right," Aslin nodded back.