" I guess vampires really don't sweat or anything and don't have body odor so you really don't need to bathe all that often." Bur'nak sat there pondering " there is a trading town not to far from here they have a famous inn with wonderful bathes that would be perfect. People may recognize my face, ill need a mask it really is a pain to be a werewolf always having to worry about clothes after you change. Luckily I have several stashes of clothing strewn about the territory just in case. I'll be back", he reluctantly let go of her. Bur'nak could not understand why he enjoyed holding her at night with that he slunk out of the cave into the brisk night air. He ran low to the ground he found one of his chest. He took it and ran back to the cave. Once inside he took the clothes out they were nothing expensive a pare of black boots with several buckles up the sides black pants with a white shirt with a black leather coat that reach his ankles he made sure he was out of sight before he changed he grabbed a coin purse from the chest that had 100 gold in it he walked up to Victoria are you ready to go?"