Well for powers I have a few potentials that people could receive them from. 1. One of the 'other' forces that so often try to destroy of take over the world grants humans their power in order to topple the magical girls. So basically these people would be getting a power boost from a somewhat evil force though they will try to use the power for their own ends. 2. Magical girls that have gone rouge from the dystopian society of magical girls. 3. Ancient artifacts endowed with magical forces that bestow their power on certain individuals. 4. Someone who has managed to actually steal their power from a magical girl, somehow channeling the power meant for the girl into themselves. There are certainly other methods but I think those would be the main ones. I think it might be more fun if we included all these different ways to get magical powers into the roleplay so we can have a much more diverse and interesting cast who might not always agree with what their next step should be. Variety is the 'spice of life' as they say.