"Last chance to head home, kid." Said the man standing beside Cenric; a towering figure of an individual whose callused hands, scarred forearms, and strong build marked him as a warrior; and red-lined vestments marked him as being from the Nest in Ehrvin. He had been, at every step of the journey, attempting to get Cenric and others to leave what he considered to be a fool's errand. "Thanks, but I'm fine, really; I've made my choice." There was always one in every group from Corian; a man or woman who came along simply to talk people out of entering the Labyrinth... Not that people blamed them. Amidst the people of Corian there was little respect for those who braved the place, and even less actual reason to do so, as the kingdom was fairly unantagonistic. Add to that the fact that it's very existence went against the teachings and you had the recipe for a very heavy sense of mistrust and disapproval from the common people. Nevertheless, those in charge understood the power and opportunity that the accursed Labyrinth's exchange provided, and more importantly they relied upon the artifacts to keep them safe. Thus the Labyrinthine Expedition Grant had been established; an organization which paid the families of willing individuals who chose to venture there. A group that for the cost of a life would improve the lives of entire families. Kerigs whose parents or grandparents chose to sacrifice themselves could suddenly find themselves with tuition to go to go to the Nest full-time and become a member of the Order. "Just saying; your mom would probably prefer you alive and well to a stack of cash. Especially after what happened to your si..." The warrior went dead silent as he noticed the brands along the back of Cen's arms come alight, glowing with a strange pallid light. It was just an idle rumor he'd heard, but from the younger man's sudden ire there was apparently some truth to it... He had worked alongside the mage class before, and he recognized the glow for what it was; a threat, a signal that the boy was tapping into the power from which Corian magi drew their abilities. He went still as a stone and twice as silent in the following moments. After a while Cenric's shoulders slouched, his eyes softened, and a breath he hadn't been aware he was holding escaped from betwixt his teeth. "We're here." He muttered lightly, having felt the caravan come to a full-stop. Whipping back the leather shade that kept it's cargo and passengers from the unforgiving heat of the sun on warm days and the biting chill of rain or snow on colder ones he hopped down onto firm ground and grinned at the satisfying crunch his boots made. A large ship had left Corian for the mainland. Upon reaching port three caravans had begun the treck inland to the Labyrinth, and as they reached their destination two of these unloaded entirely, their riders packing what belongings and provisions they had gathered and forming lines facing the vast magical construct. Fifteen of those assembled in Corian backed out at the last moment; worry, wanderlust, and keen wits steering them clear of actually entering. The rest patiently waited, watching other groups from other places trickle in. Amidst these Cenric patiently waited his turn, pulling an apple from his pack and taking a bite. As the juices trickled down his throat and dribbled along his lips he chewed at the fruit idly and tried to think of other things. Dian was safe at home, leaving him feeling as though he were missing a limb, his mother was likely worrying which made him anxious, and knowing his father he was deep in prayer at the moment hoping that Cen returned. "Three..." He said between bites, reminding himself of the creature and people anchoring him to his home, his reasons for returning. Glancing down at his hand, just between his fingers he shook his head and as a resolute glimmer filled his eyes he rescinded his former statement, quietly whispering; "Four." Slowly it came time and the party from Corian faced the entrance to the Labyrinth. "All together now." Came the call from the party's unofficial leader, a balding and good natured man from Gard who had run a furniture store before deciding to join the expedition. "Finally." Cen muttered as he took another bite of his apple. His feet marched forwards, his back straightened, and his breathing became more smooth. And then came the light... the overwhelming sense of detachment... Like he was falling asleep without any of the initial tiredness that usually preceded it. Like he was falling while standing in place. Like he was losing sense of whether up was up or it was thirty-seven. ... "Kf!" Lying on his back Cenric began to cough at the abysmal taste upon his tongue, rolling over to hack and spit at the floor in his urgency to rid himself of it. It had been apple moments ago, but now it just tasted like soot. As he cleared the abhorrent flavor from his palette he also took note of sounds around himself, voices. Blinking in the moonlight he makes out shapes, realizing swiftly they aren't those of the people he entered with. Glancing around in mild confusion he denotes the odd landscape with passing interest before raising his right hand and grabbing his own ear firmly, giving it a sharp tug and scratching at the lobe with his fingernail. "Ah!" He cries out lightly, seeming half-surprised at the pain. A moment passes and a gigantic grin spreads across his features. "I made it in, and I'm still alive." He mutters softly. "So far so good."