Name: Countess Satae Ilvatar Species: Human Gender: Female Affiliation: Galactic Empire Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Equipment: Model J1 palm blaster Model 22T4 blaster pistol Laser Knife Holotablet Communicator Personal Energy Shield Bodyguards – Elite Squad of Stormtroopers (8) Armed with standard trooper equipment, have access to mission specific weapons when required. Background: Born on Cortella, a Core World, Countess Satae Ilvatar is an influential part of the Imperial Aristocracy. Leading a relatively normal life for an aristocrat, moving between Coruscant and her homeworld mainly as a figure to be seen at important functions. However, since she had an extensive close family, she was not content with her life as a person who would never become the ruler of a relatively minor world. During the Separatist Crisis, she moved to Coruscant at the behest of her father to represent the loyalty of the system to the Republic, but that changed after a few meetings with Palpatine and his advisors, who gave her an opportunity to rise into Galactic politics. Before the end of the Clone Wars, she had sworn herself to the ideals of the future Empire and successfully swayed her family to do so as well, earning the praise of the Chancellor. When the Declaration of the New Order was made, she was a strong advocate of the purity of the Empire and as such became a representative for the ISB. Over the the decade after the rise of the Empire, she has achieved a strong position as a research director in the ISB, a small group of individuals responsible for improving the efficiency of the management, surveillance and above all, the security of the citizens of the Empire from threats within and without. As a result of her position in the organisation, she is currently assigned to be the Governor of Belona, with authority over the Governors of the smaller worlds in the sector. Her family has been known to rule with a tight grip, and with the policies of the Empire her reputation may exceed that of her forebears. Reason for Joining the Empire/Alliance: As a young Countess with wealth and power, she saw that Palpatine’s ideals would suit her ambitions far more than the Republic’s ever could, and has been a firm believer in the Empire from the beginning. Decades later, it appears that her faith is well placed.