Esprum deeply glared at Aurellius, pushing his spectacles back up to the base of his nose, before suddenly, he broke character, swinging the base of his weapon at the heavy weapon guy's head. A deep thrum was heard throughout the clearing as metal striked against metal, the long rod smacking hard against Aurellius' Ascalon. He had turned around, and in one quick motion, brought his weapon up to block. There was a bit of a snarl on his face as he glared at Bookworm. "[b]I... do hope that was an accident, Wormie. Because if it wasn't, you might be regretting it soon.[/b]" "Regret seems to be something you lack, amoung much more." Esprum brought his staff back down, his glare unwavering. "That was to get your blasted attention. Why the fuck would you pound an injure's back, and go one about me improving with my skills?! You hardly could've done a damned thing against that Beowolf!" "[b]Oh, you call that pounding? I barely even hit her! Its her own damn fault for getting fucked up! Oh, and could have done nothing? I fucking took out its eye and a quarter of its brain! If I had stood by, it woulda gone after you and eaten your sorry ass.[/b]" He growled out the words, glaring at Esprum. "[b]Its not my fault I got sent on a mission with you assholes. I woulda been just fine if they had just sent me! But no, you all had to come along with your stupid whining.[/b]" A hand struck out, attempting to grab ahold of Esprum's staff., to wrench it out of his grip with strength alone. He quickly jerked his hand back. "Then leave! Nothing his keeping you here with us kids! No planning could have prepared me for your bullshit! You have no respect for anyone on this team, your strength hardly making you an asset!" That was when he turned, promptly walking forward. Before entering his silent mode, he said one final thing. "Get your shit together, Aurellius, or leave." Aurellius spat on the ground. "[b]I can't fucking leave, you prick. You don't understand why I'm even on this stupid mission in the first place. We're leaving.[/b]" He said, turning away towards their objective. Esprum kept walking the other way, before ultimately leaning up against a tree. 'It isn't really like I can leave... right?' He through inwardly, looking towards the ground, his eye catching part of his ripped robe. Without responding to himself, he slowly continued after the others, it was hard to tell if he was actually there or not.