It wasn't much later when Jackson and and Elliot saw the two others, noticing them from a distance. "I think it's them, Jackson." Elliot said, pointing the two of them out. Jackson noticed the two and nodded, approaching the two of them. The mage greeted their new companions with a friendly smile, but the knight kept the same, straight, cold expression on her face. "Mister Spencer Parker, I assume?" She said, stretching her hand out for Spencer to shake it. "My name is Jackson Thorne and this here is my assistant, Elliot Vineblood. We were told that you needed our aid on your mission to find a certain fugitive named Kiara." Jackson greeted them formally. Trixie shook her head. "You can sleep in the bed. It's comfortable for me, but I only have to recharge, so the bed will do you more good than me." She answered.