Name: Osla (No second name) [img=] She has shoulder length, messy brown hair hidden mostly hidden beneath her fur helmet although a loose strand or two often escape the front part of her helmet. The lowest part of her hair can be seen resting just underneath the lowest point of her helmet at the back. Age: 28 Race: Human Gender: Female Height and Weight: 5 foot 11, 83kg Eye color: Brown Scars: One over near the far right of the right eye that splits her eyebrow and travels down to the tip of her cheek. She also has a few decorating her back and arms from various fights. Personality: Osla acts just as you'd expect an orphan barbarian to act to be honest. She is brash, daring and hearty. There are three things she prioritizes in life, fighting and drinking, all of which she'd prefer to do with a few equally hearty chums. She becomes paranoid after long periods of no or a small amount of contact with other people. She is rather naive and will often trust in the good heart of just about anyone she meets, leading to her being scammed quite often and losing quite the amount of money to back alley charlatans. Fears: -Zombies(Never seen one, never heard one, just terrifies her.) -Becoming crippled -Burning to death Likes: -Ale -Roast pig -The cold History: Osla was born in a trader's caravan on the road from the capital to a small village to buy low at said village and sell high at another city. Her father hunted various animals and sold their meat and skins to various other merchants within the cities and villages. Osla was rather unexpected, she was a small bit early and she was supposed to be born with the aid of the local village doctor. As a result of her early birth, she was rather weak and as a result they had to stop for a few days while both she and her mother got their strength back. The village doctor tended to both Osla and her mother when they arrived which resulted in another five day halt. Soon, they were on the road and cooking with gas again. The added morale boost from Osla's birth kept everyone in such good moods that they earned more than they ever did. Years later and her father was training her to take the reins from him and become as great a hunter as he was. But after a few months of her training, disaster struck. They were on the road after a successful hunt and were ambushed by bandits who had been stalking them for a few days. They slaughtered her parents in cold blood and hit her with an arrow to the shoulder of which the scar she still holds to this day. She managed to get away with what little money she had on her at the time and sought refuge at a local village. Soon enough her money ran out though and she had to either die on the streets or face the wilds and hope for a good hunt. She opted for the better option of a shot at survival. Fortune favoured her and she managed to survive out in the wilds long enough to buy herself a steady supply of supplements and arrows. Osla began to spend less and less time in villages and cities, and more in the wilds hunting. She began to lose all the politeness and social necessities once taught by her parents when she was young and gradually became more and more barbaric. Soon she only returned to civilization to sell her stock and buy more supplies that is until she ran into a hunting company passing through a wild she was hunting in. They gradually stole more and more kills from her and eventually she decided to confront them. The company was irregularly large for a hunting troupe, there were four hunters, even stranger was the fact that the majority of them were women with only one man being present. At first, Osla was rather hostile to the group and only one of the huntresses managed to negotiate with Osla enough for her to realize that she was being stupid and that the hunters had no idea of her presence. After a day or two of hunting with the group, they asked her to join them, she accepted gleefully and practically went through what little ale they had within a day or two. Over time, Osla began to bond with the huntress who had convinced her that they were friendly and after a few months in the group entered into a relationship together. They were together for a year before the second major disaster in Osla's life happened. They were hunting a pack of wolves when one got behind the group and managed to pounce on one of them before tearing the throat from Osla's girlfriend. In the confusion, another wolf killed the third member of the group before falling to a swift arrow from the male member of the group. After a small struggle the wolves were dead, and so were most of the group. Osla and the other last remaining member of the group decided to part ways, he went to the city to start a small trading business and Osla returned to the wilds where she would hunt and live in solitary for a few years before returning for one final hunt for treasure. Inventory: Canteen of water, tinderbox, rations of meat. Purse: 4 Copper, 1 silver Weapons: -Her shortsword -Her longbow and arrows Armor: Olsa wears sturdy iron chainmail under strong steel armour. The armour is rather old and has a few scrapes and dents here and there but is generally in a well maintained condition. A few bits of cloth here and there from past exploits dot around the armour with the main piece of cloth being the tattered rag that hangs from her belt which came with the armour as a cape. Fighting style: Osla alternates between using her sword and her bow. When using her sword she largely bases her strategy on who her opponent is. If it is someone vastly stronger she will opt to dodge and wear her opponent down through speed advantage. If it is someone weaker than her she may opt to use her free hand to get a punch or two in while going on the offensive rather than the defensive. If it is someone equally matched then she will probably go for a mix of both. She only really uses her bow for hunting or for picking enemies off at long range.