[center][b][u]Name:[/b][/u] Elora Nei[/center] [center][b][u]Appearance[/b][/u] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/328/8/6/autumn_elf_by_rossanacastellino-d4h6s9t.jpg[/img] Art By: http://rossanacastellino.deviantart.com/[/center] [b]Age:[/b] She is 115 in Human years. 19 is Elvin years. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height and Weight:[/b] 5'4" (64in.) / 90lbs (40.8kg) [b]Eye color:[/b] In case it is not clear from the image, her eyes are blue. [b]Scars:[/b] None ---- [b]Personality:[/b] Elora prides herself on her mind. She takes every chance she gets to learn, even if that means observing others in brief conversation. She is constantly curious and is always up for a challenge. This leads her to have a high amount of confidence. She's rational and once she reaches a sound conclusion, she strongly believes she is correct and she is not easily persuaded to change her mind. Because of this, she is honest and direct. Elora can stand on her own, or be the leader in a situation. This can lead to conflict with other natural leaders, if she disagrees with them. To her, the idea must make sense, or it's wrong. She applies this idea to herself, believing that she must always be calm and rational upon any situation. Unfortunately, Elora can come off as very arrogant and judgemental. She sees emotional people as weak, at would take a long time to persuade her otherwise. Romance is a strange concept to her, but she is also open-minded. If it makes sense, and is rational, then it must be true. [b]Fears:[/b] Ice, Lightening, Large Carnivores, Dying Alone, Being Ignored, Being Wrong, The Dark [b]Likes:[/b] Being Right, Fire, Most Animals (except mentioned above), Writing, Heights, Competition [b]History:[/b] [i]*The ages mentioned are all in Human Years*[/i] || Elora was born in Sal'Sumarathar, an Elvish city that was once a part of the Honey Water Empire. She lived a lovely childhood, learning about the ways of the world through stories and life lessons. Unfortunately, at the young age of 47, her mother received a terrible omen of fire and destruction and immediately, the Nei family fled Sal'Sumarathar and the Honey Water Empire to travel across the sea to Arcazia. Once they landed at the Arcazia docks, the horrific news of the Empire's demise reached their ears. Volcanoes were the supposed culprits and there were no survivors. Despite the devastation, the Nei family made their home on the outskirts of Arcazia's main city. Her father, Virion, specialized in fertility and medicinal herbs and his shop was rarely without a customer. When Elora was 100, her parents were expecting another child. On the eve of her 101st birthday, her mother gave birth to a boy they named Kellam. Even with an extra mouth to feed, the Nei family thrived until the depression struck Arcazia. Soon the shop was empty and Virion was forced to close its doors. It was heartbreaking for the family, but even more so for the rest of the town. Within a year of the depression, terror struck the family as thieves broke into their home under the shelter of night. Desperate for money, the theives raided their home and murdered Virion and Tsarra. Elora and Kellam only survived by hiding within the home's walls. By the time Elora was 111, she was living on her own and raising a 10 year old brother. They had been living on the streets for 4 years until Elora heard about the promise of gold and riches. A promise that was too sweet to ignore. Leaving Kellam in the local orphanage, Elora swore that she would return and the wealth of the Nei family would be restored. ---- [b]Inventory:[/b] Two canteens, Tinder Box, Two shirts, Two Pants, One Poncho, One Robe, One golden locket with her parent's picture, Cloth bracelet that Kellam crafted for her when he was five. [b]Purse:[/b] 6 Coppers [b]Weapons:[/b] Two daggers, Large stick [b]Armor:[/b] Chainmail that is much too big for her small frame [b]Fighting style:[/b] She prefers to stand back and let others fight. When push comes to shove, she can be quite frantic, but she does not have any style other than to stay alive. [b]Spells[/b]: Water Seer and Liquid Communication