[center][img=http://baku-panda.org/images/Titans_Spawn.png][/center] [i]Water. He remembered water. [b]Cold[/b] water. His body shivering uncontrollably as he fought to try and lift himself out... Out of... [b]what?[/b] He couldn't remember. He had fallen and he couldn't get up. His leg hurt. It was bleeding. He could see something white sticking out of it and knew that was his own bone. And there was water. So much water. Rushing in. It had been up to his chest when he'd started to panic. Screaming. Shouting. Crying. Praying. Expecting God to be there. Expecting some angel to come. Hoping for someone. And someone never came. Hypothermia had set in, as his head went under the water, but even as his limbs had stopped working his mind had still been [b]conscious[/b]. Still been aware. He was watching air bubbles go to up the surface of the water, his body dragged down as he felt a burning sensation bursting in his chest. That was the day, he died.[/i] --- [b]S A M A R[/b] [i]The Visaya Islands, Philippines[/i] The young boy awoke, finding himself partially submerged and entombed in debris. Fingers of light pierced through the remains of the house, which had collapsed on top of him. The symbiote had formed a V-like brace of spikes around his head and neck, sheltering him from being crushed. His arms and legs were pinned underneath the water. Just like it had been when he'd died. With a scream, the Hellspawn burst from out of the wreckage, the cape lifting up the debris as an explosion of hellfire sent it into a million pieces. Pushing himself up, the dripping form of the young soldier of Hell stood and surveyed what remained of Maria's town. The ocean was no longer restrained to a beachhead, instead the tide pushed water through what had been the city streets. Cars floated in rivers of mud, bodies, and trash collected along the way. Nothing was standing. No houses. No businesses. It was as if the finger of God Almighty had come down and wiped the town off the map of existence. And Christopher, for all of his power, for all the good he had tried to do, hadn't saved anyone. He [i]couldn't[/i] save anyone. His foot connected with a body underneath the water in what had been the family's living room. Reaching down, Chris lifted Maria's body from out of the wreckage. She had grabbed onto him as the house had collapsed. And had been crushed under his weight when he'd been pinned under the wreckage. Gently, the Hellspawn let her go, the body slipping back under the water. Because Maria wasn't there anymore. He saw her. Standing around what remained of the town. As confused as the members of her family at what had happened to them. Now, as he rose from out of the wreckage, they looked to their [i]anghel[/i] for answers to questions none of them wanted to ask. No one who was dead wanted to [b]know[/b] they were dead. It was the hardest thing to come to terms with. He knew that. He'd experienced it firsthand. And everyday since. So he didn't give them answers. He showed them, instead, the way home.