"We should rest here." Aurellius mocked inside of his head, using a sing-songy high pitched voice. His blood was boiling, and not because of the battles they had had. That prick Esprum had to go and royally piss him off, and Aurellius didn't like being pissed off. He preferred being in control and having a calm attitude, and it turn, that allowed him to go really wild if he wanted to. But if some asshole decided to come at him with a tiny twig, that might make a few things different. He let out a deep sigh, having just barely heard what Nico had said to Bookworm after their little 'fight'. It wasn't as if he had started it, no, but of course everyone decides to hate him for it. At least Ascalon truly understood him. It didn't talk back, worked well when he took care of it, and never gave up on him. Ascalon was the only ally he truly needed. He ran a hand along the length of it, grinning slightly. He stopped for a moment, looking back at the other party members. "[b]Since you slowpokes want to take a little bit of a rest, I'm gonna go take a piss.[/b]" He waved a hand over his shoulder as he started to depart, not even looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was going to stop him. Of course, if they did try to stop him, they would get a broken nose and be covered in piss. He didn't actually have to go, but he was sure he could urge out a fairly large stream on anyone unconscious. Setting Ascalon over his shoulder, he set out. Of course, his lovely little stroll to pass the time ended up in shambles. In just a few moments, he was tackled from the side, voices around him yelling, "Take him out, but don't kill him!" He landed hard in the dirt, a very large object on top of him. A [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XeBYbojCE3g/Tu-c4-cUzPI/AAAAAAAACsQ/S3TVEjMcrDk/s1600/daryl+mandryk+concept+soldier+combat+army+navy+exo+suit+armor+mech+mecha+blaster+rifle+laser+gun+cannon+warrior+sci+fi.JPG]high tech suit of armor[/url], it was branded A.W.E. according to the big icon sitting on the shoulder piece. He laughed, they would make a very big mistake in deciding to capture him. Even though the suited man had his strength multiplied by a factor of five, that didn't mean he could stop the back of Ascalon as it smacked him in the face. The face plate cracked, but only slightly as the man recoiled back. For a second, Aurellius was a bit confused. This wasn't Vacuan design, he knew it pretty well actually. This was Atlas brand technology, designed by a little company called H.O.R.N.E.T. Aurellius didn't give the man time to react by bashing the back of Ascalon back and forth against the mans' face plate. Of course, it really didn't do much, and a strengthened fist went towards Aurellius' jaw. Stars flashed in his vision as he felt the full impact on his jaw, but the man above him really hadn't had much control over his strength. It sent Aurellius flying a few feet away, which made even more stars flash. He stood up, jaw aching like a mother fucker. It felt like it was dislocated, and when he tried to talk, it just wouldn't move. "[b]Yhrr grnna pey frr drt.[/b]" he mumbled, looking at the six Atlas soldiers surrounding him. A lead soldier wielding a stun staff ran at him. An over head slash which might have worked if Aurellius had less range. His lance thrusted forwards, stabbing the man right in the chest and burrowing in a few inches. The man was sent back as Aurellius pulled his weapon back, cursing. Their armor was just too bulky to easily stab through. Aurellius decided something else, flipping more switches and launching into the air with his thrusters. Gazes turned upwards at his spinning barrels, Aurellius tucked and rolled on the other side of them. He began firing, bullets soon filling the air. Two of them were quickly turned into bloody bags before they got into position. Two men wielding heavy riot shields defended the others as Ascalon did its best. They even overlapped their shields, making his weapon much more useless than he would have liked. He charged forwards, neglecting the war cry because of his jaw. Still firing, Aurellius pushed them back a little bit, but that wasn't his aim. He let go of the trigger for a few moments, one hand grabbing a hold of the top of the shield. He snarled as he pulled as hard as he could. His strength was enough for a small gap, and with one made, he hefted Ascalon up, looking backwards as gore suddenly began flying when he pulled the trigger again. Suddenly a blanket of electrical pain washed over him as he noticed a man in the corner of his vision. He had moved as his comrades had been turned into bits, giving him time to flank around Aurellius. A small rifle had fired several tazer-like bullets at him, suddenly making it very hard to stand and move. But Aurellius still did, even though the electricity surged inside of him. A small look of fear flashed under the face plate as Aurellius kicked on his thrusters with the last of his strength. He surged forwards, his minigun turning into a lance just before it penetrated the thick fiberglass. Bits of blood and brain appeared on the end of his lance as Aurellius pulled out. He fell backwards against a tree, groaning. No doubt his allies were already there, a little bit late to the party, but in response all he gave was a "[b]Thh pish washn't werth irt.[/b]"