Gerald blinked, looking like he was thinking for a moment. "Hold up..." He held up his left arm and pressed a button on it. A small holographic display popped up together with a small number pad being revealed behind a panel. The man typed something in, and the number 2250 popped up on the screen. "Oh, you're right. Heh, I've always been bad at math." He mused. 'Bad' was an understatement if he couldn't even calculate something as simple as that. Though that was exactly why he had a calculator in his left arm. He shrugged, reaching below his bar and taking out a contract and two ID cards. "Now, two more things. The reason it's this easy to become a bounty hunter is because any expenses for weapons or enhancements are your own. That, and you're not above the law. You can do as the contract says, and some amount of collateral damage is to be expected, depending on the height of the bounty. But harming too many bystanders or causing too much destruction can have repercussions. If that's all fine, fill in this trial form and you're good to go."