“Sure, sure. Whatever you say Miss Jackson.” Spencer tilted his fedora forwards in confirmation of the information he was about to disclose. Next to him, Giltwith caught Elliot’s gaze and only nodded once more. A second of hesitation, and the Knight soon brought a small smile with his nod as well. “Now let’s see here…ah yes! The Volunta is said to be a mismatched sword of some sort that can actually drain away a being’s very existence. Shocking I know, but there’s more. The weapon also drains away the existence of its own user and that means that the weapon has to connect. Otherwise, it’s suicide to even use the thing. Knowing this, you can see why it was considered a high class assassinating tool. Still, that’s some pretty potent magic for only a sword.” The tall man in black placed his hands in his coat pockets casually and grinned. “Well? Does that satisfy your curiosity Miss Jackson?” At Trixie’s residence, Kiara widened her eyes upon hearing the robot’s story. Then a blush soon formed on her cheeks and she blinked in surprise. “Whoah, whoah, wait a minute. You’re telling me you were like a sex doll? And this mage of yours? I take it he still checks on you from time to time?”