Although most of her attention was on Azadeth, It was the later that motioned to her tamer of what was going on around her and what a sight it was to see. Other dragons where finding there new tamers completing each others other half's, It was quite beautiful, Not that any of it made sense to Ryhana as after all she was until now a guards woman of Solona. It was the point of no return for them all now not that Ryhana even wanted to leave, How could one turn their back on quite possibly the biggest duty and burden anyone could ever have? The fate of the known world in their hands. Soon enough Merricks voice, The man who caught Ryhana's eye and the one responsible for bringing them altogether to be the next generation of Dragon riders. He spoke of the rules, none of which Ryhana was worried about, She knew full well what she got herself into and following rules was something she was used to in her life but it did not stop her from thinking about her father and of course her family who she now had to leave behind, her home town and her family will always be in her heart. Her mind was brought back however when the mention of flying was to be the first task to learn and use. Of course that would be like the 101 of things to learn, But a crash course in quick learning to fly before heading to this new home of theirs was a little bit daunting even if they could pull it off there was no way in anyone being able to perfect it on the first day. Azadeth reassured Ryhana that all would be well despite the tamers reluctance to the idea of flying at first, she was used to being firmly on the ground but she trusted her new dragon with her life and believed with her help the guards woman now turned dragon rider would overcome this first obstacle. The pair started of with a trot around the stadium once Ryhana was set up on the beast, Azadeth found it highly amusing seeing her tamer with several attempts to get on but Nova's guidance she figured it out well enough to climb aboard. Once settled enough Azadeth looked back at Ryhana who nodded signalling she was ready to fly for the first time and soon enough the green dragon slowly lifted of the ground climbing up but not to high and hovered for a few moment letting Ryhana adjust and acquaint herself with the feeling. Soon it was followed with some flying, Ryhana slipped a little few times but all was good and getting better as the pair got used to each other and continued this for a little longer before landing once more. [i]'You did well young rider, Although you had me worried a few times'[/i] Azadeth said into Ryhana's mind. [b]" I trust you to keep me safe Azadeth, We both did well"[/b] She replied as both smiled at each other. Soon Obsidian Nova spoke into there minds, there was a long flight ahead and everyone had together their things before going off to their new permanent home. but eternal life, bonding with a dragon and having a new place to call home. Ryhana had collected up and sheathed her weapons and picked up her small bag with some personal effects before with more success this time climbed back onto Azadeth and awaited for to be ready as soon enough flew of in a diamond formation in what had to be the longest five hours ever to endure despite the first few hours being in awe and wonder. Eventually the gap in the forests opened up to reveal an open area of land, the place looked lavish and beautiful throughout including the structures that were there for them and despite being old showed no signs of ageing, Azadeth did a little circle around for Ryhana to get an overview of their new home before following the others in for landing making the good old thud despite the careful and soft landing in the oval like meadow. Merrick spoke up once more as Obsidian Nova took his leave, speaking of the night belonging to them for there was a lot of hard work and training ahead of them and Ryhana for one thought it be best to take advantage of the opportunity before her and hope to get a little more acquainted with her fellow tamer's, Once Merrick retired to his room Ryhana took note of the people around her and that of the table layout before them for this feast as it was called, The young woman preferred to do one thing at least first and smiled at the other riders. [b]" Please excuse me, I need to set my belongings in my room. I shall rejoin you all shortly"[/b] Ryhana smiled with a polite nod before leaving with Azadeth into the stalls. They both respectfully nodded to Nova who was resting and felt best to leave him be. Ryhana's room was the second one to the right upon entry almost opposite Merricks, Azadeth retired into her stall while Ryhana made her way up in to her loft. the place was amazing with so much to look at and to care for plus the bed was massive, She could easily get lost in there and have an adventure in there alone, She was used to a small room with a single bed and none of the amazing feature and perks this place brought, Not that she was one to complain. Ryhana set down her bag before taking of the belt holding her short swords and hung them on one of the bed posts before unpacking her belongings and putting them in the appropriate places including a picture of her mother and brother together place a top coffee table while one of her father was placed on her bedside unit, She took a few moments to look at the picture thinking of her father. After a few moment to herself in which Azadeth let her have, Ryhana gathered her thoughts and left down into the stall to where her dragon was resting, She stroked her green scaly skin softly and smiled, Azadeth returned the smile [i]'You should spend some time with the others, I shall be fine here and rest, remember I am always nearby if you need me'[/i] She spoke into her mind, It was still going to take time getting used to that. [b]" Rest well my friend, I shall return soon to rest myself."[/b] Ryhana smiled before reading up on the training schedule, it was going to be a long hard road, Soon after she rejoined to her fellow Tamers at the table and quietly sat down.