[center][b][u]Ghost Complex: Integration[/b][/u][/center] [Center][img]http://www.gamewallpapers.com/previews_480x300/wallpaper_alone_in_the_dark_02.jpg[/img][/center] In the year 2045, as diplomacy failed, the world plunged into the third world war. The northern hemisphere of the world formed the North American Trade Federation, Europe subjugated Africa and created the Greater European Empire, while Asia and Russia formed the Empire. Cities were decimated as millions upon millions answered the call to war. Bombs flew the airs indiscriminately killing civilian and soldiers alike. For an ensuing three years, the war raged on. It was only when nuclear bombs filled the sky and scorched the Earth did the three great powers call for a ceasefire. Leaving a greater part of each continent unfit for life, humanity escaped to the last habitable places. In the years following, many starved while governments were unable to maintain order within their borders. While many citizens all cried out for justice, protection, and revenge, their cries were often left unheeded as the world continued on its path of degradation. Order finally returned on the third month of 2055 when a group known as the Council — shrouded in mystery — took on the task of doing what the governments could not. The former leaders of each nation having been usurped from power, the Council quickly sunk their roots deeply into each Green zone. Criminals were quickly dispatched of and production of the basic necessities continued once again. The great famine began to decrease as normality soon returned to the world. [Img]http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/638373villerythme.jpg[/img] With the limited space available, unscathed cities expanded as many took shelter within these bastions of humanity. Buildings were built on top of one another. The poor remained at the bottom with the pollution and abysmal conditions while the the affluent and wealthy clung to the top. Thus marked the period of disparity. While many opted to live in small towns in the country, commerce and technology favored the behemoth-like cities that eventually became city-states under the guidance of the Council. Not wanting another war to occur, a proposition was set forth by a team of psychologist and scientist. Their proposition, before the war, would’ve been preposterous, but the situation had changed. Hence, the introduction of the virtual reality game, Dust, was instated. With physical money deemed unworthy of materials and labor and advancements in the social structure was considered significant to prevent domestic rioting, the Council turned to this. Giving each person their own logic pad and Immersion Dive headgear, the ability to live, to eat, to thrive was centered in the world of Dust. The year is 2065. Reality and virtual integrated, humanity continues to survive against the horrors it unleashed. --- [center][b][u]Welcome to the World of Dust[/b][/u][/center] [img]http://blog-imgs-58.fc2.com/j/y/o/jyouhouwosagasu/sonsiououo12.jpg[/img] Set within the world of Evanesa, Dust's setting is a fantastical variant or a medieval era world. The world of Evanesa is split into five major kingdoms: Maras, Plutarnos, Apollinis, Diamorra, and Florinia. [hider=Development and Operations]Modeled after the pre-war cities with added aesthetic beauty, Dust constantly evolves. Thousands of staff members constantly keeping track of each character, warding against hackers, upholding the rules, maintaining a fitting difficulty, and ensuring that the transfer of in-game tokens to real life runs seamlessly. To make the system more efficient, Dust's infrastructure is broken down into the following categories: [b][u]Overseers[/u][/b] The position of the overseers resides exclusively with the Council and select advisors. These individuals regulate the guardian, evolver, and Exchanger branches to ensure everything is running and kept accountable. Council members the most powerful players within the game of Dust given their real world status. [b][u]Guardians[/b][/u] To ensure all the rules are enforced, administrators assume the role of guardians as these characters act as the police force whom are responsible for rotting out hackers and those breaking the system. Paid by the Council, these individuals seldom participate in the tasks and other menial tasks normal players do. More often than not, guardians are equipped with higher quality gear to ensure they have the advantage whenever a 'red player' or other disputes unfold. With a comfortable living standard outside the world of Dust, many actively seek recruitment into this branch. However, the acceptance rate to become a guardian is set so high, that it proves impossible for normal players and civilians. The Council specifically seeks hackers caught or those with high aptitudes to combat cybernetic invasions via an assessment given to all at the age of eighteen. [b][u]Evolvers[/b][/u] The primary role of the evolvers is to constantly adapt the world of Dust to reduce players finding patterns to the world. They update NPC behavior as well as monster patterns. Environmental changes caused by seasonal elements also are at the discretion of the evolvers. [b][u]Exchangers[/b][/u] Exchangers handle the in-token and real world credit exchange. This branch is regulated strictly to dissuade insider trading and other 'stealing' behaviors.[/hider] [hider=Combat Mechanics] Dust makes use of affliction meter. Similar to the traditional health bar used in pre-war titles, instead of decreasing upon damage taken, the meter fills upon each strike. Each enemy has its own unique affliction meter and its own weakness, nullify, and strengthening buffer. An example of this system has been provided below: [b]Scenario[/b] Minotaur Affliction meter: 0/2500 Weakness: Fire Nul: Poison Strength: Normal Physical Attacks (Things listed here will either raise the affliction bar slowly and will affect the condition of the enemy in question. A description of its effects will be listed here to further clarify. In the case of the minotaur, normal attacks will make the beast go berserk.) How the affliction meter is filled is entirely up to the players. Feel free to write about how your warrior charged the beast and impaled it with your sword, a rogue firing an arrow into a soft spot on its hide, or even a mage enveloping the creature in an inferno. Let your words write out each action; I shall determine from reading how far the affliction meter rises based off of what I read. This system has been implemented to shy away from instantaneous deaths of storyline enemies that the group encounters together. If you want to write a scene of your character fighting non-story enemies, feel free to do so at your discretion. I won't be controlling an affliction bar for those.[/hider] [hider=Gear] [b][u]Immersion Dive Headgear[/b][/u] [img]http://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/736x/29/55/7d/29557de0e2d7d1ab1e298df26631ed40.jpg[/img] The I.D.H is the only way to connect into the world of Dust. Linking up via satellite towers located frequently throughout each city, the headgear plunges the user into unconsciousness but immerses their senses and mind into their Dust character. Within the world, players can hear, taste, smell, and touch as if they were touching something in real life. In case of an accident, the headgear is linked to the Dust development center where staff regulate each character. If irregularities arise, the staff can eject the individual from the game. This would cause the character to wake up to reality and save their progress within the game. Depending on the nature of the ejection, the players may or may not be penalized. [b][u]Logic Pad[/u][/b] [img]http://agbeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/computer-concept-4.jpg[/img] Small enough to fit into a pocket, the Logic Pad are small holographic computers that streamline all contacting and news functions into one. Namely, these devices have replaced computers and cell phones. While there are many practical uses for the Logic Pads, their main use is keeping track of the credits each individual possesses. Thus, these devices act as credit cards as well. Vendors sends bills to the buyer, which subtracts said total via the Exchangers. To ward off thieves, each Logic Pad is binded to an individual user. If DNA - scanned by the device upon contact, doesn't match what it was registered to, the Logic Drive ceases to work as the authorities promptly lock down upon the unauthorized user.[/hider] [hider=Races] Two primary races exist within the world of Dust: Humans and the Enlightened. [b][u]Humans[/u][/b] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs30/f/2009/242/0/3/HUme_by_darkmagic74656.jpg[/img] Humans are generally the more common races chosen within the game of Dust. Having stats that immediately favor a warrior and rogue class, humans typically have a much easier time at starting out in Dust. However, the race lacks magical aptitude that the Enlightened possess. However, having warlock humans is not uncommon. [b][u]Enlightened[/b][/u] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/333/1/6/myar_by_aikurisu-d4hmjvc.jpg[/img] Similar to humans, the Enlightened are humanoid beings that are narrower in build and posses luminescent eyes, which has become their trademark trait. While Enlightened do field stalwart warriors, this race has a much higher affinity to warlocks and rogue character types. Inherently, the Enlightened are much more dexterous than humans.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheets] [b][u]Real World[/b][/u] Name: Birthday: Appearance: (Words or pictures or both will suffice for this section) Occupation: (None of our characters will be in the noble class. So they will still have a real world job) Biography: [b][u]Dust Persona[/u][/b] Alias: Style of Play: (Are you a warrior? Perhaps a cunning hunter? Or perhaps an arcane warlock? Describe how your character will play his or her character within Dust. There is no class system - save for Warlock, which entails its own penalty or benefit.) Appearance: [/hider] [hider=Rules] 1). As the section this has been placed in, this is an advanced standard storyline. However, I'm going to ask you adhere to my definition of standard as well as the guilds. Advanced, to me, is all about the quality versus the quantity. Don't ever feel the need to write 2,500 word posts and above every single time. Adapt to what feels right and just go with it. We're here to have fun, not write a novel. 2). I'm no grammar nazi. However, some spellchecking and editing makes for an easier reading experience. 3). While I won't be expecting posts everyday, please keep active and let the group know if you're going to be away. Real life takes precedence, just give us a heads up. However, if a month goes by without a squeak from you, I will send out a PM asking how you're doing. If I don't here back at that point, I will assume control of you character and use him or her until a opportune moment to exit him or her arises. Same deal goes for if you're active and have not replied to my PM. Communication folks. 4). Feel free to bend the world to your liking. Though this will have an overarching story, this storyline will have an immense amount of freedom with regards to the world. Think of a sandbox setting but with more direction. 5). Have fun. This is why we're sinking hours into our fantasy lives on the guild. If at any point you wish to introduce an idea, please talk to me. Actually, talk to me about anything. I'm more than happy to bounce off ideas with folks.[/hider]