[quote=Keyguyperson] Ehh... I'm a sucker for sci-fi, and totally obsessed with the Alcubierre Drive. however, even that has a maximum speed of 10c. Of course, I would honestly go with an antimatter rocket for this, maybe even an Orion Drive. Even then I certainly wouldn't say there's a habitable planet around Alpha Centauri, I would say it's a moon of a gas giant or something. Of course, I would choose something in the solar system if we've only got to Mars. Speaking of the setting, it's actually quite similar to an absolutely ancient short story I wrote. Kind of nice to be reminded of it.Also, have you ever read Escape from Terra? I think you would like it, might even give you an idea for this (The history of the universe, especially places like the belt and Mars, is pretty close to what you;re going for here.) [/quote] Why can't there be a habitable planet around it? Isn't it a G type star? At 10c we could get there in 6 months, but with cryostasis, we could bring folks with us. I didn't think that the Alcubierre drive (or more accurately, NASAs new version of it) had a max speed of 10c, but that that was just a reference speed. Even if it does, maybe they could be stacked, or some later improvement or field shape could make it 5x faster. I never read Escape from Terra. I'm going to bookmark it so I can read it (the webcomic, right?). The only webcomic I normally read grrlpower.