[quote=Kaga] ...What?I mean, are you just asking us to throw together two random nouns? Regardless of whether or not the two together make any sort of sense? (Old Spice and octagons? The fuck is that supposed to mean?) Cuz if so... there is no humor in that. [/quote] [quote=Magic Magnum] You use imagination. For example an Octagon uses the power of Old spice to make eight suns. [/quote] [quote=Foxxie] This thread is too space-age for me. [/quote] [quote=Dervish] Your avatar is kind of perfect for this.Also, this thread is as awful as the moldy bread I found lurking in my pantry today. [/quote] [quote=Azarthes] [/quote] [quote=Magic Magnum] This thread needs to get more festive.(I'm kind of on an air horn song binge atm) [/quote] [quote=Cpt Toellner] He's trying to be randumb, activating our hatred of it, so then he can pull the "no lol! I was trolling you the whole time!" defense. [/quote] [quote=Magic Magnum] I'm just trying to have fun dude.Sorry if you saw it as a troll attempt though. [/quote] [quote=Raxacoricofallapatorius] Aza and Derp [/quote] [quote=Azarthes] I still don't understand this threadI don'tget it likeis it a gameis it a discussion thread is it a meta thread?is it non-content? I don'tlookAza and Derp best ship 2014Azastein Derpenthes [/quote] [quote=Kaga] I support this ship. [/quote] [quote=idlehands] Because it hasn't been explained or anything already. [/quote] [quote=Foxxie] Azastein could be something I support.It upsets me that this is the only odd pair to come out of this thread, though. [/quote] [quote=Kaga] Your avatar is always just so perfect. [/quote] [quote=Rare] Let's derail this thread! [/quote] [quote=Foxxie] But what would be the fun in that when we could be making noxious hybrids instead? [/quote] Nouns + imagination + Space + Avatar + :confused + Hatred + Troll + Derp + Game+ Ship + Anything + Support + Perfect + Thread + Hybrids. Nouns of Imagination are part of the Space Avatar, despite him being confused at all the excessive hatred that the Troll gained from the time he did a Derp during a game of Battle Ship. He wanted to do Anything for the Support of his haters. He even created a Perfect thin Thread for those pesky turle Hybrids. Did I do it right?