"I guess I can introduce myselfs again. My name is Kollista Lilith Nightbane. I am a Gnome. Normally, a gnomeling of my age would be in training for at least another twenty years before becoming a Journeyman and getting to go out and esplore, but almost fifteen years ago Master Bonefinger said there was nothing more he could teach me. So, he gived me my goggles and my scythe and told me to go out and learn on my own." Kollista grinned rather broadly at her tale of supposed prowess. Her little feet tapped a rhythm against the legs of her chair as they swung back and forth and heterochromic blue and green reguarded the two humans for the briefest of moments before she added to the one that was not Atrus- who already knew her age, "Oh, and don't let my size and manners confuses you. I am, almost certainly, quite a bit older than either of you." Her milk was set in front of her a moment later she took a sip before realizing she had forgotten, "Oh dear, I'm being a scatterbrain. I'm a mage too!"