[b]@ Ivory[/b] - [i]Maria has been approved![/i] You are accept now and you have a PM awaiting in your mail box so go ahead and post when you're ready! [b]@ Skulls[/b] - Enjoy Thanksgiving for what it is and be one with your family! Personally, I'm a bit envious watching others enjoy Thanksgiving in mid October, but given that I live in the U.S., I'll just wait another month and a half before I begin [i]my own[/i] Thanksgiving dinner preparations. On the bright side, I am exposed to spit-fired roasted chickens every weekend, so in cooked meat related matters, I can joyfully revel in fantasies involving mini-thanksgivings. It also goes without saying that during the dreary, 9 month, Turkey offseason; roasted, chickens are the next best thing! [b]@ Everyone else[/b] - Will be drafting another post tomorrow (Monday). I understand that you're all very busy, but when you've all got a moment, I'd like to know what you all want to see and expect for the near future. Plot progression, character development, character introductions, personality archetypes, pet peeves, world building, maps, you name it! Altaea is still very young, but it's prone to more shaping. As such, I have a promise and an obligation to deliver as an enjoyable experience as possible and within reason, I am open to criticism and questions 8)