Hiiiiiiiii~~!! Wows. Likes it. ;D K, so like before the bunny hops on over, I have a few questions: How is posting going to work? Like is there gunna be: err'body has to post in the "really real world" phase until we get to the "la-la gamer land" phase or vice-versa? Or like are we gunna just go bonkers-like and login/logout as we please- type of deal? How does criminal activity work in the "really real world" nowadays? Cuz like I can still see lots of crime going on? Maybe? Like scammers, cons, thieves still doing 'marks'? Is Organized crime gone underground, like maybe literally? Just wanna know, cuz I thinks I have an idea for like a criminal type of charrie!!^-^!! Oh! And foods! I like foods! Eating! How is food and water distributed in the city-states nows? 'Cuz like I have an idea for something there for muh charrie to do there too... Right. I'm sure muh bunny brain will think of more, but that's all for now, k? Thanks ya! ;D ~Edz~ Urms. Should I have posted questions OOC? If ya wants, like maybe I could like re-post muh questions over there?