Hanta felt bad for slipping out unannounced, even if Komada told him she was fine. Tears and sniffling didn't mean she was okay, he wasn't blind. It looked like she was willing to drop the topic, and not wanting to press and upset her further he silently agreed to do the same. Turning and moving to close the door he paused, looking over his shoulder a bit surprised when Komada suggested they make themselves useful. Her equipping her gear told him precisely what he was afraid of; Komada wanted to go out and train. Having just gotten back from that he was admittedly not thrilled, nor was he eager to put her in any sort of danger. Realistically she'd have to do it sooner or later though, meaning that keeping her out of danger was an moot effort. "Sure thing, let's go out," Hanta replied, masking his concerns behind a smile. "And you're talking about sword skills right? Those aren't too hard to get a grasp on, I'll be glad to teach you." Really it was perhaps the most simplistic thing about this game, seeing as combat was solely based around it. It gave him idea though of just how ill versed his friend was in the game, only serving to add to his reservations about bringing her out. So long as he tagged along he reasoned she ought to be all right, he could certainly handle a mob or two. Pushing the door back open he stepped into the hallway, gesturing for her to follow him out. "By the end of the day I promise you'll know how to fight, so let's get started." A fair portion of that morning and afternoon would be spent training out in the fields. Along with potentially hundreds of other players the area was quite crowded, and spawns were thus being set upon by half a doze players at a time. Being rather difficult to find an available spot the two friends had to travel a bit further out than most, ending up a fair ways away from the bulk of players. Just as well, the privacy meant Komada had all the time in the world to practice. Were it still a game she would have been given every opportunity to practice to master the skills, but it really wasn't anymore. Hanta had a difficult time then letting her fight, even against a single mob, often stepping in to kill the mob when he worried it might hurt her. Realizing how badly that was inhibiting her and that she had to do this herself he finally relented, standing off to the side with sword in hand. It was a bumpy start to be sure, though gradually she was getting the hang of it. For someone who was utterly unfamiliar with the game Komada had begun to get a rather good grasp of the combat quickly. One level was gained, and after some effort a second was as well. It eventually got to a point where Hanta felt confident enough to let her fight without being watched over incessantly, so instead he went off a little ways to train on his own. It was relatively simplistic fighting, the Frenzy Boars weren't difficult at all to beat. Now and again he'd glance over to his friend, smiling as she beamed proudly at her accomplishments. She was having fun for perhaps the first time since yesterday's announcement, and genuinely happy. Thank goodness for that. "Okay, I think that's enough for today Komada." They had been training for a few hours at this point, and Hanta himself nearly twice as long. With only a few hours left until sunset there were other things they could be doing, namely getting lunch or perhaps even supper. In all Komada had gained herself a few levels, and he one more himself, so it was a worthwhile trip all in all. Standing at his friend's side he looked around them contently, taking a minute to watch a few of the other players wrapping up their own training. People seemed properly tired, but all around them was a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. It was a successful day for nearly everyone, and arguably people had fun despite the very real toll of death they now faced. "You did really well, I'm proud of you. But how about we go get something to eat, yeah?" Hanta asked, smiling gently. A nice steak sounded good, though realistically they'd probably have some stew or fish, something cheap. Well and ready to leave he stopped himself when he spotted a lone player still training, taking a moment to watch him. It was a spear user, and he was doing fairly well for being on his own. Hanta couldn't help but appreciate skill, and even if they ought to be moving on he had to take a second to watch. "Look at him go... Not too bad." he mused, letting a hand rest on his sword idly. As he started to turn away however it seemed like time slowed briefly and things took a turn for the worse. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a few dull flashes of light, and when his head swiveled back his eyes widened in shock. A group of five wolves had abruptly spawned around the spear user, and still fighting a boar he hardly noticed them. For a moment Hanta froze, fearing what was to happen as his fingers froze on the hilt of his sword. "No..." The spear user didn't stand a chance. As soon as he fell the boar and checked his loot the ominous chorus of growls signaled something was amiss. When he turned around and came face to face he saw what was awaiting him, the color draining from his features in shock. In an attempt to protect himself the young man lifted his spear, managing to fend off the first wolf that lunged at him. In a heartbeat the other four descended on him, biting and clawing away at him ferociously. His spear was useful when fighting foes at a distance, but with them so close now he couldn't so much as scratch them. In a fit of fright he dropped his weapon, throwing his arms up to cover himself from the attacks. As he fell back onto the ground and was swarmed he emitted a shrill cry of fear, his health bar dropping unnervingly fast. At his final moments Hanta could have sworn their eyes met, and seeing the sheer look of terror on the boy's face snapped him out of his own stasis. A cluster of blue shards rose up out of the group of wolves, immediately being carried away by a gentle breeze... The last remnants of that boy, who for all intents and purposes was now dead. Someone had died, on the first day. From a cheap ambush attack no less, something no one could have prevented. That wasn't fair, that wasn't how the game should have gone. From his shock rose anger, and Hanta quickly had his sword back out and at the ready. "Dammit...! I'm going to kill you!" he shouted, starting off towards the wolves. They turned and saw him, bearing their fangs instantly. He didn't care if it was a five on one, he had to do something, he couldn't just let that person have died for nothing.