[b]Rakata Prime- Darth Vistrark/Stravon Dridis[/b] [i]Curious[/i] Vistark thought. It was very unlike his master to not be able to pull something from another mind, even subtly. It appeared that this other man had some incredible mental fortitude. Vistark quickly finished his business in the archives and made his way down to the speeders that were situated outside. He received numerous acknowledgment from others on his way through the main hall, but Vistark paid them no mind, he didn't care about loyalty nor did he care about power, at least not in the traditional sense. The only thing he cared about was his expansion of knowledge, and it was in his best interests to make sure that this deal succeeded as the amount of knowledge withing the Jedi archives would surely keep Vistark satisfied for many a year. He reached the speeder bay to see that the very man he was just thinking about was stood there, and shaking the hands of Darth Reaver. [i]Impressively shrewd, he's already making himself known amongst the upper echelon of the sith[/i] Just at that moment Darth Reaver walked off with his apprentice, Vistark was tempted to spit at his direction for he severely hated the man, but he thought better of it. Vistark followed the new man through into the speeder bay, and there was numerous speeders contained within. His master sat upon one clearly deep in thought. "Master" Vistark piped up as he sat on the speeder to the right of his masters. "I believe we are all accounted for" As he said this Stravon sat on his own speeder that was to the left of his master. ------ [b]Space over Vondarc- Rear admiral Viin[/b] An obvious win Viin computed, the foolish rebels had fallen for the trap that the High General had placed and snapped at the bait placed before them greedily, unaware that they were completely surrounded. But then it dawned upon them, caught in a tremendous crossfire, they tried to break through the right flank to the colossus but their last ship that had any chance of doing real damage was annihilated in a single blast from a Celestial devastator. It was a fully charged shot that cleaved the ship in two. Their hope crushed they began fruitlessly lashing out much like a fish out of water. Viin gave a synthetic chuckle at this, which drew a couple of odd looks from the left of him. But just when everything was about to go off with minimal casualties n this side, something unthinkable, something unquantifiable happened. A rebel star fighter was flying straight at the viewport! Viin’s processors went into over drive, quickly he unleashed a burst of commands into the comm, ordering the frontal anti-fighter cannons to destroy it, but it was too late... The artificial equivalent of the heart skipping a beat occurred for Viin and he thought the downside to organics was their lack of consensus... The resulting explosion drained all of the air out of the room, Viin quickly grabbed a comm. Officer and ensign that were nearby him before the star fighter hit the ship, and he then activated his internal magnetised conduits within his legs, which he had installed since his rebellion against his former masters centuries ago. The ray shields finally activated and sealed the room, new air began pumping into through the vents and the alarms stopped blaring. Both the people Viin had saved were clasping their chests trying to calm themselves down and return to normal breathing, but both of them managed, even during their trauma to thank Viin profusely. The red metallic panels around his single ‘eye’ began moving incredibly fast. This was his version of a smile and happiness. [i]Viin liked organics, even during distress they find the room for gratitude [/i] This is why he aspired to be more organic. Viin realised that his admiral was alive and, but injured so he quickly got some tea from the medics that were now pouring through the room and seeing to the people and some medi-gel. “Sir are you alright?” He said handing him the cup of tea “Warm drinks are said to relieve shock” he explained as he got an odd look from the Kel Dor. ----- [b]Space over Vondarc- High General Vallen[/b] Everything was going just as planned then enemy fleet in disarray made the last decision they'd ever make again, they made the attempt of destroying the Republics prized possession, and it's commander in the process, but it was a fatally futile attempt. The other portion of the fleet exited from Hyperspace behind the rest of the enemy fleet and from that moment victory was assured. "Sir, primary shields down to 50%" shouted one of the officers on his right. [i]Hmmph, they're dealing some meager damage[/i] Vallen thought. "It's fine we've eliminated 50% of their fleet now" Just as he finished that sentence their last Cruiser was destroyed, they made a forlorn attempt to break through on the right wing, where the line was the weakest but it was meant like that for a reason, dreadnoughts were situated defending that line and they annihilated any foolish ship making an attempt to break through it. It took 1 minute before the last enemy vessel was destroyed, a chorus of cheers erupted through out the bridge, and Vallen let a rare outburst of joy which only made the rest of the crew even happier. No one liked war, but it was very difficult not to treat an over whelming victory like one would playing a game. Vallen turned to his comm officer and said "Alert Admiral Xer Loa to meet me in my personal quarters in half an hour, we need to discuss the battle and our losses" "Yes sir" Vallen then proceeded to open the comm and alert the entire fleet of something, that Vallen though to be very important. "Today was a good day ladies and gentlemen, we have defeated the Rebel fleet and once again opened the major trade route for the Republic! Now you have my permission to sit back and relax for a while, recollect your men and women and have some drinks on me." His own crew were particularly happy about this and they had a right to be, but Vallen still had business to attend to so he left the bridge and started walking towards the personal lift that lead towards his private quarters. He pressed his thumb on the scanner outside the lift and a soft beep confirmed that he was allowed to enter. Vallen stepped in the lift and assumed his normal standing position of a straight back and hands held together behind him; something that no matter what he couldn't prevent himself from doing after years of habit. The lift doors opened and he stepped inside his cabin. It was a fairly spacious cabin that contained Bookshelves filled with manuscripts from his home planet and old war texts and biographies form famous warriors and leaders. It also contained numerous weapon stands that had ancient weaponry displayed, as well as traditional Kaleesh weapons and sparring equipment, for half of this room was taken up by a small arena in which he commonly trained in. he sat at the desk that situated near the door and poured 2 glasses out with a fine whiskey , it was a Kaleesh brand and it was famous for it's burning yet sweet taste, it kept you warm for hours afterwards. And now he waited for his professional colleague, someone he could possibly call his friend, but Vallen never treated him as such as it was improper for such an act as a warrior. ----- [b]Eriadu- Captain Jenson Trist[/b] "Sir we are closing on the enemy" Spoke Jensons second in command through his comm. This was backed up by bursts of laser fire and lights flashing in the distance through the murky tree line. "Good, begin flanking positions, create a horseshoe formation around the rear of the enemy and focus on positions that allow you to take out as many as possible. Remember take the biotic ones out first!" "Yes sir" came in a multitude form the other end. The report said there was a sniper preventing them from viewing the enemy position so Jenson tried to find this one first so then at least the howl runners could start assisting them in taking out the rest of the enemy troopers. Caught on a crossfire even those clones wouldn't last long. The advantage was that Jenson knew how they worked, and boy oh boy was he going to use that against them." Jesnons and his men began fanning out, ensuring that they couldn't be seen and after a roll call every one was in position to begin moving in an arc towards the enemy advance. The first sight was pretty grim, the Republic soldiers had them completely surrounded and were very close to getting clear shots, they had to attack now otherwise it wasn't going to look good. He soon spotted the sniper who was standing and leaning against a tree in order to get a nice shot, Jenson moved quickly and placed both hands around the mans head, he heard him give a slight gasp of surprise before Jenson gave a sharp and powerful twist, the neck snapping cleanly the Republic sniper dropped dead. The rifle would be a nice reward later on. "Right throw grenades and use rockets on the 2 power suits, aim for the missile bays near the shoulders, that should deal with them permanently, anyone else who has the high calibre rounds, aim and prioritise the biotic soldiers. I've got the commander." "Yes sir!" was the reply. Jenson pulled his modified Harrier out and aimed at the enemy commander who has standing there thinking that he had won, the fool hadn't even checked his comm to see if the sniper was still there. this would be his first and last mistake Jenson pulled the trigger, a flurry of metal exited the gun and tore through his shields and soon found their way into the mans head, it gave a violent burst spraying blood and brains on his comrades back. Then a flurry of explosives and gunfire opened up on the rest of the Republic forces, the rear guard was cut down easily but the 3rd line began returning fire after realising what was happening. Thankfully however the 2 power suits were down and out, now it was just waiting on the Howl runners and this victory would be assured. ------ [b]Csilla- Master Greon[/b] The Turian jedi master had suffered quite a lot in the past couple of days, however he was lucky that the Lady Gentrix was absent and on the field so his beatings and torture was a lot less violent. The cell that had been his home for a bit now was dark and dank, and above all freezing cold. And Turians hated the cold, the fact that they lived on a bloody cold world just for him to be sent to another equally cold world was surely the spirits making a jest of him. He just had to wait now, wait for the other Jedi to rescue him, and when they did he was going to kill that Asari with his bare hands. The thought was slightly disturbing, especially since he was a jedi master. Greon soon calmed down and began focusing his thoughts and mind on the force, clarity was paramount if he was going to escape, he just had to wait for the right moment.