[b]Planet N-1, Battlefleet Alpha[/b] All ships moved into a seldom-used battle stance, each of the Battlecruisers showing their bellies to the planet, their rows of heavy turrets lined up on the top, aimed away from the planet, ready to fire an inaccurate but deadly hail of projectiles. Each Explorer turned its knife-like prow to face the newcomers, and began slowly advancing, ready to fire on a moments' notice. However, they didn't fire on the pods that came at them, and instead let them deploy the strange creatures onto the ships. Sensing that they may simply want to get in and destroy the crew, the Swarmer missiles retracted inside the armored hull, and plates of armor re-sealed the turret back inside. Meanwhile, as the creatures worked their way up from the bow to the stern, seven figures emerged from an airlock, closer to the engines than to the bow of the ship. Two hunters led the way, sparse anti-vacuum breathers and armor covering their torso and the lower half of their face. With them was a single Tinkerer, crystal spikes raised in alarm, and four Engineers, each armed with a single energy handgun and an energy carbine. The Tinkerer was armed with a handgun and a long-range rifle, which he carried in hand. Weapons in hand, with the Hunters leading the way, the seven made their way with magnetic boots towards the nearest creature. As they approached, the Hunters' two shortsword-like extensions extended out slightly, the flexible, tough material hardening and lengthening, a result of evolution, serrated edges at the ready. Each Engineer raised their weapons as they approached, though the Tinkerer began to quicken pace to step forward, rifle lowered. When they were close enough to begin picking out the creatures' innards, about at the same range as the length of a schoolroom, the procession halted. The Tinkerer stepped forward, and stamped his foot on the floor of the ship, making a soundless thud, and sending a small vibration. Then, he waited.