Alexi's smile becomes warm as the other male seems to calm down and he nods slowly. “I can bring you my own research. I have a lot of it in the house, and I am sure Joseph will have done his own research by now, if only in his own memory, he is likely willing to share that as well. I would rather not take in any more mistrust, second guessing, and unease than I absolutely have to, so I have no problem sharing.” He takes the vampire's hand carefully, the first time really touching him while being able to actually pay attention to the sensation. He's touched vampire flesh before, Joseph's mostly, but like touching any being, every one of them feels different. Alexi may not be phobic about touching people, however it can be said he doesn't do it often save for hand shakes which mostly make him feel foul. [i]'It is cool, and tough. His grip is stronger than Joseph's, however that makes a lot of sense. Most magicals are tougher than humans, and Joseph has spent a long time around humans, learning to be delicate with them as almost a second nature'[/i] He smirks slightly. [i]'Do not be so sure that you will not lead them again Erik. I have gone to great lengths to make sure they have no idea where you are. Even if you do not lead as you once did, what I will give you at the end will at least earn you a high place in their eyes. You will help save them, those whom thought it never possible to be freed'[/i] He sighs lightly, stumbling only slightly as they make their way into the bathroom. His smile falls however when Erik cracks off another of his seemly natural vulgarities, despite all of his other efforts to be cordial with the picky slave owner. Letting go of Erik's hand he stands near a wall, least he need to catch himself, and begins unbuttoning his shirt. For a moment he is so focused on the task it completely slips his mind that the vampire will be undressing as well. When he suddenly recalls his his eyes move slowly over to watch. Alexi is no pervert, nor is he a prude, however he's never had need to see someone in any state of undress other than his older brother, so for a few seconds he feels very much like a teenager seeing another naked for the first time. [i]'Well, I may not be a teen, but outside family, this [b]is[/b] my first time. . .'[/i] He does not mean to stare, and he is careful not to do it openly, however by the time Erik hops in the water the human is faintly flushed and berating himself. Pressing a hand to the wall he pulls off his own shirt, watching his feet. “There is no shower because I was going for authenticity. The ancient Greeks did not use them. I like staying true to the times.” He glances at Erik, his joke amusing on a few levels, but as he slips his only bit of clothing he drops it to the floor with his eyes back on his feet. Climbing carefully into the water he takes a seat on the inner ledge carefully before looking at the other male. [i]'Despite she scaring, he is quite beautiful. I wonder where they all came from. . .Perhaps he will tell me?'[/i] Catching himself staring he coughs lightly and looks away. “This may sound foolish Erik, but I feel I must apologize if you catch me staring. I have not had cause for being around others in any state of undress, and I am finding the experience interesting to say the least.” He bows his head a little then looks up with his usual soft smile. “And about the one who makes me feel filthy, it is a man named Gidian Grunblak. You may have head of him? He owns, among other things, several breaking companies, and often contracts me to provide control devices.” He looks away again, a slightly ill expression crossing his face. “He does not approve of things like your collar, thinking that all slaves need a broken spirit to work properly. Something about him just. . .It is highly unpleasant to be around him, especially since he sees me as a child who needs tutoring, thinking me too soft.” Slipping to the side slightly Alexi takes up a rough stone from a small submerged basket. Looking at it for a moment he whispers, “Breaking is a barbaric practice.” Settling back down he begins scrapping at his skin gently, removing all the dead flecks of it. Looking back up at the vampire he smiles. “Would you like to learn about your capture now, or would you rather wait for the soak?”