Evera watched as everyone began wandering off to their own rooms, leaving her hesitating but then just shrugging and heading towards one of the unoccupied dorms. She opened it up and took in her surroundings. Boring but nothing bad. She was honestly just exhausted and wanted to sleep, so she set her things to the side, laying on the bare mattress and curling up to sleep. As Evera drifted off, she began twitching, dreaming. She began drifting off and as her mind swirled, she dreamed herself getting up off the mattress and rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room as a glow was about the place. She squinted for a moment before she realized she was looking at a man. Or, well maybe not a man? He was tall, with golden skin and curly dark hair to his shoulders. He was wearing a tunic about his waist, his upper body muscles exposed. He had large wings protruding from his back, and horns curling against his head. She frowned for a moment before he spoke. “I’m Mephistopheles,” he spoke to her, holding out a hand. [b]”Oh…”[/b] Evera spoke, her eyes widened. So, this was her father. There was something familiar about him, as if she’d seen him in dreams or night wakings but never knew who he was. She took his hand and got up off the bed. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m proud of you. And that I’ll be around,” he said. Evera nodded simply, smiling a bit. [b]”I’ll do my best, I promise,”[/b] she reassured him. The deity nodded, embracing his daughter with his arm. He lingered for a moment before letting her go. “It’s a hard job. Warning souls century after century of the promises of rewards in heaven, just to watch them corrupt themselves. I hope you’ll be better suited for the task than I. And do not neglect to learn how to fight demons. Nasty things,” he said with a look of distaste. He let her go and took a few steps back. “Good luck, daughter,” he said quietly. Then things started to get blurry. Evera woke up from her nap and yawned, frowning and looking about her room. Gah, she had to learn the difference between when she was on the spiritual plane or just dreaming.