Gazzo was sitting at a desk inside of a dark room, a wrench in one hand and a welder in another. Well actually the flames were just shooting out of his fingers, but that wasn't what was important. He had spent 2 weeks putting this device together and it simply had to work. He fighted with dials, calibrated various sensors.. Gazzo believed it was already in working order, but he wouldn't leave it up to chance. Not now, not while it would make or break him as an inventor. A man poked his head through the door to the room where Gazzo was working. He gave an incredulous stare at the goblin sitting there. "Erm... did I get the wrong room? I was looking for Gazzo the inventor..." He mumbled the words out, "Yes, you did find Gazzo. And at the nick of time too; I just finished rewiring the electromagnetic pulsifier." Gazzo leaped off of his chair while he gingerly held the device he had been working on in his hands. "Erm.. okay then. Whatever." It was clear the stage hand wasn't convinced, but he wasn't being paid to care. "You're on in 5 minutes." "Thanks mate." Is all Gazo could mumble as he pushed past the human, which was an impressive feat consider Gazzo was only about 4 and a half feet tall. He made his way to the stage, maneuvering past people from all different guilds who all gave him a funny look for being a goblin wearing the garb of an Izzet scientist, but Gazzo didn't pay them any mind and made his way to the stage. He looked over his invention over and over again while he waited for the current act to end. Everything seemed to be in working order, but his invention had to work. At this point it wasn't an issue of money, it was an issue of pride and of proving to everyone his worth. It just had to work... Gazzo looked up from his inspection to find that the previous act had ended. He braced himself as the counter for the next act came up. Going live in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Suddenly the curtains were pulled open and a hundred eyes burrowed their way into Gazzo. The goblin wasn't deterred; he cleared his throat before he began. "Fighting wars is tough, ain't it? You're given a piece of metal on a stick and told to go beat up a bunch of other fellas with metal on sticks. It ain't easy. Whether you be human, minotaur, centaur, elf goblin or otherwise you're constantly afraid that you'll loose your weapon, and as the boros will tell you again and again, your weapon is your heart and soul and the very thing keeping your heart beating. Am I right?" He got a few nods from the audience. They seemed a bit confused about where this speech was going, but it was clear Gazzo had their attention. "Allow me to introduce you to my latest invention; the Electronic Weapon Retrieval System, or the "E.W.R.S". " Gazzo held up what appeared to be a gauntlet of some sort with a few buttons and knobs attached to the arm guard. "This baby will ensure that you never loose your precious weapon again, using my patented electromagnet technology. We need to find ourselves a volunteer.... You! You look like a lady who knows how to wield a sword!" He pointed directly an elven women in Selesnya garb. She slowly made her way up to the stage with a nervous expression on her face, not entirely sure what a goblin would have in store for her. Gazzo simply lifted the gauntlet... and plucked it directly on her hand. The device was clearly too large, but the device clicked and pieces of metal move and shifted as the gauntlet adjusted itself to fit the elf's dimensions. She looked down with a confused look on her face. "One size fits all! This baby can adjust from minotaurs and ogres to elves and goblins quickly and easily. It weighs virtually nothing, and offers protection comparable to the toughest of armors! But we aren't done quite yet folks!" Gazzo reached up and pressed a button on the gauntlet, and it whirred to life as sparks of electricty bounced between her fingers. Suddenly a short sword was pulled from off stage and the electro magnetic pulse firmly grasped the sword in her hands. "This device will ensure you will never loose your sword again! No matter where it is within a 100 foot radius, this baby can pull your sword back to you as long as you have one of these special tags! All of this can be available to you... for a reasonable amount of gold coins. Just imagine all of the money you'll safe from lost equipment!" His thoughts were interrupted by the elf pressing a button on the back of the gauntlet... and reversing the polarity. Suddenly the sword was fired from her hands and it soared past the crowd. There was some panic as sword sailed through the air and firmly planted itself in the soil. The crowd backed off with fearful expressions in their eyes. But Gazzo simply looked at the sword with interest. The Selesnyan woman dropped the gauntlet on the floor and left with a shocked expression on her face but Gazzo's brain was already running at full capacity and he couldn't be bothered to pay any attention to the thinning crowd. "I bet I could weaponize that." Gazzo said aloud as he scratched his goatee, which he was more then proud of. The Izzet viewed failure as an opportunity to innovate, and Gazzo took that mantra to heart everywhere he went. However, his thoughts were interrupted by a large lizard head appearing above his head. He stared up at the figure above him. That was some grade A illusion magic. Whoever was pulling this off was a powerful magic wielder, and someone not to take lightly. For a moment Gazzo considered readying up a fireball to fire at the figure, but if whoever that is can cast blue illusions, it would probably be even easier to counter a simply fireball. He had to come up with a plan. He considered going to the firemind, but the dragon was probably already formulating his own plan. Gazzo quickly grabbed his gauntlet and hopped off of the stage and made his way over to the Azorius tent, checking to see what their response to such a threat would be. ==================== Neil had finished his stack out of the Selesnya gardens the previous night. His findings? They were doing nothing. Nothing at all. Whatever they are planning, they are not pulling it off during the guildpact as far as he could see. No matter what they were up to.. Neil was tired and grumpy, since he had spent the entire night scoping out the Selesnya gardens and avoiding detection. It was even worse that he didn't have any meaningful information for Teysa herself. Neil was chugging down tea trying his best to stay awake when he noticed the illusion being cast, like he was sure everyone else was. This was an interesting twist. Neil contemplated what to do next, and the weariness quickly went out of his eyes. He needed to see what the Azorius were planning. He knew everyone would go to them first, since they are the most experienced with anti magic and counter spells. Their control magic were the very antithesis to what they were about to face, so people from many guilds would be there. This was a perfect opportunity to spy on them. This would more then make up for his previous failure to report on the Selesnya; this incident had the potential to make Ravnica history, so she would certainly want to know what the Azorius's response was going to be. Neil ducked into the back alleyways and undercity, making his way to the Azorius tent with absolutely no intention of allowing himself to be seen. He would document whatever happens there today and report it back to Teysa herself.