Isabella jumped out of her friends roofless Jeep, her hair bobbing flawlessly upon landing on the houses front lawn. The other passengers also hopped out of the Jeep, most of them staggering from the vodka they'd drank earlier, all except the driver. Isabella, stumbling and all, walked joyfully with the group of girls to the house. They 4 teenagers walked into the house, Isabella staying outside while her friends marched in. She noticed two guys sitting out front of the house smoking, like the social smoker she is, Isabella walked up to them,"Hey guy!" She said with a drunken slur, "Got an extra?" Isabella, Izzy, was blind to the smell of vomit and all the drunken morons around the house. She herself was intoxicated to the point of fuzzy vision, but she didn't care. Because she was so drunk, she also hadn't noticed the slight breeze that tickled her fish-net covered legs. "I haven't had a smoke all daaaaayyyyy!" Isabella added, while she wobbled. (To Noah and Kevin)