[b]Planet N-1[/b] The Plaeriques sensed casually at the beings that crawled out from their ship. Their heads twitched and they stretched their necks upward, focusing on the sounds. When one of them stomped their foot against the hull they all perked up, slowly scurrying towards the stomp. However, they kept their distance. While none were acting cautious or prepared to enact self defense, they seemed friendly; the only thing that could be aensed was that they were curious. One of the Plaeriques closest to the being suddenly moved forward, not alarmingly or fast, just casually approached the being and made a low howling sound, as if it was trying to communicate. It's body language also changed, showing it was friendly, approachable, and carefree. It didn't rear its claws, but it did start to slowly creep towards the being with its head, brushing up against it to get a feel for it. (Essentially acting like a dog). The other Plaeriques stood still, as if closely observing the being now, watching to see what it would do. The other Plaeriques had changed their behavior, but still not prepared to fight. They were now under direct control of a Praefectus, and the beings could sense there was something different, they were being watched, tested. Slowly, but surely, a fair distance from N-1, one of the two hives that stayed back started to approach. It's size much greater than the others and traveling much slower than the othera had been. At 3,000 km long and 2,000 km high, it was the largest hive out of all of them. But it was different, there was intelligence inside it, but separate... And it also was not preparing to fight, but observe like the Plaeriques were. The nuzzling Plaerique looked up at the being, waiting for its next move.