[hider=Bridgeburner] [b][center][U] Agaron Ramarys [/U][/b][/center] [b]Race:[/b] Renoxian The Renoxians are a war-like people who are located to the far west of Altranor. Surrounded by tribes of other race and origins, the Renoxian people have only known war throughout their history. Their lives consist of surviving raids and skirmishers, as well as participating in brutal fighting for the right to the natural resources in their region. Renoxians are taller then humans, standing on average to be 6'4. They are quicker on their feet then most humans due to their lithe, slender build. A special talent of the race is their ability to see very well in the dark - an advantage they have had over the other warring races as they will usually set up ambushes or initiate fights during night time. The Renoxians have a longer life span than humans and reach their peak at 40 years, usually dying of old age at 110. They worship night and the moon, and it is their belief that all important events in a man's life, such as marriage, funerals, or promotions should happen during night, when these events are witnessed by the moon's ethereal shine. [b]Age:[/b] 45 [B]Position:[/B] "First Sword of the Royal Guard" "Military Adviser" "Field Commander" As Agaron is one of King Erasmus's most trusted soldiers, his main position in court is commander of the royal guard. However, due to his expertise in warfare, he is often present in war meetings, and is sometimes ordered to take a field with a battalion or division of soldiers - as per the High General's instructions. [B]Appearance:[/B] Agaron is an example of a Renoxian in his prime. The gray skin is prominent in his features, a dusky tint to his whole complexion. Agaron has almond shaped eyes, slanted slightly, as well as pupils which are slightly more narrow and and elongated, almost cat like, but not as drastically different from human eyes. He has a prominent and chiseled chin, but no facial hair grows on the Renoxian face, possibly a mutation of the skin color/tint. Agaron possesses the rare hazel eyes of his species, which in contrast are usually brown. He has long white hair, which is often tied in a ponytail of his clan's fashion. Braids fall down from his temples, adorned with fetishes he has collected over the span of his life. The Renoxian stands at 6'6, but has a lithe, narrow shouldered build. Picture just to get an idea of his skin color and facial structure, disregard the armor. [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/080/0/8/Dark_Elf_male_by_kerembeyit.jpg[/img] [B]Personality:[/B] Agaron, deep down, is a soldier. He tries to avoid any political intrigue or scheming, but it was always hard to do so in Altranor's court. A stoic ally of King Erasmus, he usually took the king's side in political affairs, and treated the other bickering politics with scorn. His loyalty and affection for the king knows no bounds, and he became a close friend of many of his best advisers and court authorities. The warrior culture of his people is greatly embedded into his personaltiy. Proud to a fault, he will take offense at any insult or ridicule of his job or duties. A frequent trait in the long living Renoxians, the grudges that Agaron can harbor can last quite a while. There are are signs of naivety and ignorance in Agaron's knowledge about the more complicated layers of the world. He dislikes magic greatly, and believes that it is a 'cheater's' path to winning a fight or conflict. He is a firm believer of getting your hands dirty, and looking your opponent in the eyes when you kill him. At the same time, Agaron's clan mentality tends to cloud his understanding of positions and ranks. Although he has learned to obey those of higher position then him, he believes in being able to have a drink or share bred with the common soldier or villager. The Renoxian loves his alcohol, and could be often found in reputable inns and the less charming taverns. Agaron likes to resort to cynical, dark humor, which is probably a consequence of all his years on the field. [B]Backstory:[/B] Agaron was born into clan Ramarys and raised during very troubled times for the Renoxians. The fighting between the other tribes escalated an all time high, and alliances were beginning to be formed to bring the dusk skinned race to extinction. Raised from a young age to be warriors, Renoxian youth experienced first hand combat by their fifteenth year, and it was rare for one to outlive his twenty fifth name sake during those times. It is only on the eighteenth birth day that the Renoxian people would choose a first name for the warrior or soldier. The times were so desperate, and their population dwindled down so much, that individuals who made it to their thirties were then revered as elders and veterans. Agaron, shocking everybody with his combat prowess and expertise on the field, received the name "Agaron" meaning aga (blood) and ron (warrior). He survived well into his thirties, and was appointed as the Dusksword of his people. To Agaron's dismay, his tactics, strategy, and experience did little to stop the death of his soldiers and people. With a surprising move, the three tribal nations surrounding Renoxia signed a pact to obliterate Agaron's people, and split the region three-way. Outnumbered twenty to one, and after a year of withstanding the attacks and retaliating as they could, Renoxia was facing it's doom. Agaron was witnessing the extermination of his people, under his own command and oversight, and no advantage in their physical prowess or guerrilla warfare tactics could stop the tide of enemies. With no other choice, Agaron Ramarys travelled to Altranor in order to ask King Erasmus for assistance. Swallowing the infamous pride of Renoxians, Agaron made a case in front of the court about the fell position of his people to the west and requested help. Erasmus agreed to send an official party of his soldiers to issue an edict to the alliance of tribes to stop their invasion of Renoxian property. Thinking it was a foolish and pointless decision, one which none of the tribes would listen to, Agaron stormed out of Altranor and made back for his home land - where he was expecting to make a final stand. Agaron was proved right as the tribes completely disregarded the orders of King Erasmus, and they continued their relentless push through Renoxian villages and settlements, killing everyone with even a hint of Renoxian blood. The Dusksword banded together what was left of his army, and decided to make a last, desperate stand on a hill top overlooking their main settlement. As the battle was initiated, the tribes began to suffer heavy casualties, but they were swarming over the Renoxians with their sheer numbers. It was when the tide of barbaric tribal soldiers was nearly overrunning the Renoxians that King Erasmus, with his royal army, swept in from the east and hit the tribes in their flank. Confused, trapped, and shocked from the heavy cavalry that charged into them, the tribal alliance army was destroyed. Erasmus, furious at his orders being ignored, and with a new found respect of the Renoxian people - who had lasted so long against such exponential numbers of enemies, swept through these tribes regions and bestowed those lands upon Renoxia. Agaron, believing that his people owed their lives to Erasmus, told the king that his people would give him anything he wanted, for as long as they lived on this world. Erasmus smiled at this notion, and told Agaron that there is only one thing he would like from Renoxia. "I need a person like you, Agaron, in my court. Train my soldiers, be my military advisor, and protect me from any knives aiming at my back, that is all I ask of you..." With a military leader no longer needed in Renoxia, Agaron resigned from his title of Dusksword and passed it on to one of the women in his clan, who knew better then him what it was to raise cattle, farm crops, and how to make sure their land prospers in this time of peace. He followed Erasmus back to Altranor, where he began serving as the First Sword of the Royal Guard, and became a close friend of Erasmus's throughout the years. [B]Notable Possessions:[/B] Renoxian weaponry varies greatly, but there is one weapon that Agaron clan favors more then others: a slightly curved scimitar blade, the Khad'ur. Usually this blade is the length of your regular long-sword, but about three quarters down the blade it becomes double edged. The blade requires speed and precision, and employs the slashing of important arteries or organs with the tip of the sword in between ripostes and blocks. It can be wielded one handed, or two handed, but it is not usable with a shield due to the mobility needed. Otherwise Agaron tends to wear light leather armor or chain, but his duties on the field sometimes, as well as the 'head-on' fighting style that many kingdoms tend to employee, has brought him to wear heavy armor during certain times, and put down his Khad'ur in favor of a long sword and shield. [B]Skills/abilities:[/b] Agaron was bred and raised in war, and has fought in countless amount of battles and engagements. His skill with the Khad'ur is second to none among his people, and that is a very impressive boast considering the martial abilities of his species. Quick and agile, and possessing impressive strength, Agaron is a menace on the battlefield. [/hider] I might add some tidbits here and there, but what do you think of it for now?