“Where’s she been spotted last? I’m afraid that information isn’t up to me. So sorry. See, I can’t say for sure, but I think she was spotted heading for one of the lower districts? You know, the little apartment complexes? Tough to say though, so I guess you three are just gonna have to check it out for yourselves.” Spencer spun around on his heels and hooked his thumbs in his coat pockets; glancing over his shoulder, he tipped his fedora before calling out to his three allies. “See, I’ve got some business of my own to take care of. Paperwork and the like; I’m, eh, not really the fighting type if you catch my drift. Not to worry Miss Jackson, I have complete faith in your valiant endeavors! Just try not to screw up, yeah? You can tag along too Giltwith.” The Knight in question raised an eyebrow at his superior but said nothing, only looking back at Jackson for further orders. Spencer flashed them all a knowing smirk before casually walking away into the night. “Right then,” Giltwith finally said, walking up to Jackson. “Shall you lead the way Miss Jackson?” Back at Trixie’s residence, Kiara sighed and shook her head. “Well if it means anything to you, I never would have expected you to be a digital whore. You act too refined for that kind of crap, you know? Anyway, I think I’ll stay up a bit before calling it a night.” She gave the AI a sly grin. “Guess being on the run has made me a little paranoid; sorry about that.”