“… Flush,” Lydia lay her hand down, to the silence of the table, smirking to herself in triumph. She'd been doing decently. She would have thought that being more sober than them would have gotten her an advantage but it really didn't. The fact that she barely knew how to play was a handicap. “Shit! Hell, I could have beat that!” Erin protested, his voice slurring just slightly. “I had a full house…”  “Shouldn’t have folded. I got nothing,” Dynabane lay his cards down, resting his elbows on the table.  “Ugh, that’s stupid…” One of the hero girls sitting next to Dynabane protested the result of the game. “Just ‘cuz she was really good at lying… oh! We'd already started, so- so she's got an ad... Advantage,” the girl in question was a medium-high rank hero Lydia had beat without much thought. Lydia didn't think about her much even now. "She has no advantage," Dynabane muttered. "We'd only done one round when she arrived and we made her take a shot before she started. Don't cause problems, Lu. She's not even winning." There was a pause. "She's not?" "No, I am." Dynabane frowned. "Oh... Kick 'er ass, J." "He tried," Lydia couldn't help but grin. "Those are fighting words, J!" Lu protested. Lydia laughed, more honestly and deeply than she had in awhile. Dynabane shook his head, but he was smiling a bit. Once she'd calmed down, Lydia fanned her face, still grinning. "It's really hot in here... I think I'm done. Gonna go cool off..." She got to her feet, chair pushing out behind her. Erin questioned, "Liquor getting to you, Lydia?" At the same time Lu blurted, "Forfeit! She's leaving the game! Yes!" "Shut it, you two," Lydia said, not entirely unaffectionately. They fell silent. "That was kinda..." Lu paused. "Who are you? What have you done with the bitch?" Erin frowned. Lydia burst into laughter again, unable to help it, her blonde hair falling in her face. She spoke again when she calmed down, "You're hilarious... Seriously though, I need some air..." She rubbed her face, feeling the heat off it. "Excuse me." "I'll go with you, I need to talk to you anyway," Dynabane got to his feet. "Uh. You be careful." Erin paused. "J, is that wise? You're not careful, you'll wake up with a demon to rival Lilith..." "Erin, this is serious," Dynabane gave him a look. "I'm discussing serious matters..." "Ehhh... Whatever, Jas. Go on." "If you're implying anything weird, forget it. I'm not even interested." Lydia waved them all off. "Not even close to my type." "Yeah... We know what your type is," Erin's voice was thinly veiled, alluding to something that made Lydia suspicious, as he gathered the cards up. "The hell does that mean?" Lydia protested. Jas headed towards the door and Lydia followed, giving Erin a dirty look, as she headed outside.