[b]Name:[/b] Eksile [b]Age/Race/Gender:[/b] 32 year old Male Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, broad shouldered, unkept black shoulder length hair, thick eyebrows, light green eyes [b]Other:[/b] His face is perpetually serious and unreadable [b]Armor/Clothing:[/b] Pauldrons (2), Gauntlet (1), Sabatons (2), Bracers (2), Greaves (2), Shirts (2), Trousers (2), Green and Brown cloak (1), Leather cuirass (1), Leather boots (2), Bear pelt cape (1) [b]Weapons:[/b] One handed axes (2), One handed sword (1), Two handed sword (2), Crossbow (1), Bolts (30) [b]Other Items:[/b] Shields (2), Pouches (2) Most of these items remain on his horse, as he is rarely ever clad in armor and weapons. One of the shields and two handed swords have been brought to Darkwood to sell. [b]Skills:[/b] Wilderness survival (Hunting & tracking, building shelters & fires, knowledge of fauna and flora), Horsemanship, Precise cooperation with his dogs [b]Abilities:[/b] He knows no magic or connections with other realms. [b]Personality:[/b] To be revealed via role play [b]History:[/b] Ran away from home at 15 for murdering his father. More can be found out as we continue. [b]Animals:[/b] [I]Blood and Steel:[/I] To put it in the simplest of terms, two armored Great Danes. Blood is fawn, while Steel is blue/grey. [I]Aesos[/I]: A black horse who's wavy mane, long fur around the hooves, and few splotches are white. His face also wears a mask of the same color giving him a skull like appearance from certain angles. His chest and base of the neck are always armored, and Eksile sometimes fits him with a helmet that sports ram's horns. None of these animals are strangers to the heat of battle.