(Side note, but thank goodness you said no anime pictures. I can't visualize an anime character as a real person. And considering this is about the cold war, it'd be hard to image much.) Creating my CS now! Appearance: 5 feet 11 inches tall. 120 lb. Equipped with a dark red suit and tie. Alongside that he has black lace up shoes, and a flat cap, his hair is a dark brown color, with, due to his hat, is likely to be less then kept perfect. Other then that, he is an average build. (That's about as detailed as it'll get) Name: Stan Fellin Alias/Codename: Joeseph Straughtenberg Age: 31 CIA or KGB?: CIA (USA! USA! USA!) Short Bio: Stan, grew up trying to join the military. As he soon excelled, he realized that he could do far more work as apart of the CIA, and, with the cold war getting as intense as it was, he knew that was exactly what he needed to do. While it was a highly tense situation, when the assassin showed up, he knew it was a great chance for him to prove himself, and make it further in his work.