[b]Name:[/b] Lady Elizabeth Mcrae III [b]Age/Race/Gender:[/b] 23, Human (Sort of), Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Lady Elizabeth was at one point a beautiful young highborn woman, beautiful brown hair flowing in long locks down to her shoulders, fair skin shimmering in the sun, dress as beautiful as the finest tapestry... But that was long ago. Unfortunately, a series of unfortunate events have resulted in her taking on a disheveled look, brown hair caked with dirt, dress torn and skin bruised and muddied. [b]Other:[/b] She is... Not herself. [b]Armor/Clothing:[/b] A once beautiful, flowing gown that is now torn and covered in dirt and grime. [b]Weapons:[/b] None. [b]Other Items:[/b] None. [b]Skills:[/b] Tracking, taking orders, doing tricks. [b]Abilities:[/b] Having a dog's brain. [b]Personality:[/b] She is loyal, obedient, and rather simple. [b]History:[/b] = In her youth, Elizabeth had many suitors vying for her affections. Unfortunately, one suitor, whom she found particularly repulsive, turned to the dark arts after being rejected one too many times. He switched her mind with that of a wild dog, and she was left to wander the world, not truly capable of thought. Her survival has been based nearly entirely on luck and chance.