[b]"Well, if you are not willing I am not going to waste my limited crystals on you."[/b] Really, if she did not want her help, she wouldn't bother, maybe she was too proud for this whole thing? Or maybe she knew Luthica belonged to the trash-tier of her nation and looked down upon her, whatever it was, with an attitude as her, it was clear who would survive longer... . Maybe, her own words were also part scolding herself, her resources were limited after all. Usually it wouldn't be hard to get more Aspects, but who knew to which rules this crazy Labyrinth worked? Well, she just had to try, better sooner than later though. [b]“I would think that would be why expeditions bring healers and physicians,”[/b] commented the [i]other[/i] alchemist now, right, expeditions, while that hold true for the Conquistadors of her Nation, Luthica was just some random person that didn't have much of a choice. Regardless of that, if she wasn't mistaken, those people usually didn't have any fancy healers or physicians with them, mostly because every well-trained citizen was knowledgable in the fields of transferring life from one place to another. [b]“Speaking of which, have any of you seen an alchemist in a white coat or a silver-haired summoner?”[/b] Now THAT was a very broad description, she had seen tons of those people, but most likely not the ones Jean was looking for. [b]"I know a lot of white coated alchemists."[/b] With that set aside, there were more important matter, as the Paladin said. [b]"Monsters? Huh..."[/b] Right, with their surroundings, she highly doubted this was paradise, making sure her weapon would work was something she should have done the moment she arrived here, silly girl, the [url=http://puu.sh/c9kDq/3131b36e31.jpg]Cylinders[/url] that they got were the most bottom-tier after all, her own skill didn't matter, only the type of ammunition. Heck, while having place for 5 Crystals, didn't even allow for something simple like simultaneous activation. Thus, Luthica pulled the small thing from her waist and equipped it around her arm, she already prepared some very basic Fire Crystal beforehand - for when she would have been fortunate enough for something unexpected to happen while traveling towards the labyrinth -, now, all left was to aim at some empty space, somewhere between the alchemist and the rather silent guy and pull the trigger. And surprise! It worked, a small mental ~yay~ gave a quick smile on her face as the fireball shot a few metres forward gradually becoming weaker. Now, Jean spoke up again as he waved away the little bit of smoke her small device created. [b]“Brown hair, long coat with the Lulian crest on the collar, and a trunk way too large for a middle-aged man to be carrying?”[/b] Mhm? Luthica guessed their Alchemy wasn't THAT different, The female Alchemist couldn't deny she expected a bit of surprise. Then again, their Cylinders were kinda famous for the simple reason of allowing to use magic to basically everyone, and if you knew how, even more.