Eurgh, that gives me the heeby jeebies. I still don't think I believe in ghosts though. My mum (who believes in this kind of stuff) told me that when I was really young she thought I could see ghosts, so much so that we moved house because of the stories I used to tell her. We lived in a big house in the Scottish country-side, surrounded by wheat fields that used to get crop circles every so often. It wasn't an old house, in fact, my dad had it built especially for us but it was however very close to an ancient chapel that my stupid brother used to tell me housed witches... but it didn't. One day, I came running down the stairs and said, "Mum, mum, I just saw a girl. I saw a girl in Jane's (my sister) room and she was crying... and she was on fire!" So my mother absolutely freaked out! She bought books on poltergeists and moved my sister out of her room and into another one. My sister says that that was a really annoying couple of months for her because she remembers that my mum would make everyone follow me around the house at night time whilst I pointed at ghosts and spoke to them. Anyway! I think I was just imaginative. A strange fact for you though: Google maps doesn't show the house or the fields surrounding it. I always thought that was strange.