After waking up in a strange place, Bender immediately scanned his surroundings. No booze, no chumps to mooch off of, and no targets for stealing. This place sucked! Getting up, the metal humanoid bending unit started walking forward for a bit in hopes of solving this problem. He then noticed the tavern. Tavern usually meant two things. Beer and drunks. Great! Beer was awesome, and drunks were easy to steal from. He noticed several strange beings around the tavern, but took no notice. They certainly weren't the weirdest bunch he'd ever seen. As he approached the door, he noticed it was annoyingly bright out. "Aw crap, this must be the past!" he exclaimed, before pulling out a pair of [url='s_sunglasses.png]black sunglasses[/url] and placing them over his optics. ----- Right behind Bender, Flexo had awaken about the same time. However, instead of walking right into the tavern, he decided to meet with the people outside. "What's up losers?" he said to them before letting out a good laugh, "Nah, I'm just kidding, I don't even know you." Despite often coming off as a jerk, he actually was quite kind and meant no actual cruelty by his remarks. ((If I suck, shoot me))