MAGGIE Maggie stood under the lukewarm shower just enjoying being wet, around here she always felt dried out. The water beeper sounded warning her that she was two minutes from her limit but as she'd already done a quick soap an rinse she just stayed under the water till it stopped. A few minutes later and Maggie was in her jumpsuit headed out to she if the mechanics had Tumbleweed ready. Weeds was a Bell OH-58 D model Kiowa Warrior and even though it was no Apache Weeds could still bring on the pain. Armed with a Hydra 70mm rocket pod and a M296 .50 caliber machine gun Maggie an Weeds performed as aerial support for the patrols that left base. Maggie's performance at aerial gunnery from the OH-58D was at least one hit out of 50 shots fired at a wheeled vehicle 800 to 1,200 m from the .50 cal which was better than most pilots in Afghanistan and her 7 hyrda rockets her ace in the hole. She walked up and started her checks even though she wasn't yet on stand by alert because the critical word was "yet" Around here one moment it was all dust bunnies and butterflies and the next full on fire fight. Weeds was the reason some of the ground pounders was still breathing, hell a couple had kissed Weeds an one said he marry her if it were legal. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: KENNY Kenny smiles and says [B]Thanks Gunney an n worries they aren't anything I haVen't experienced before[/B] Kenny looks over the guys assembled and laughs as she introduced herself [B]Hi I'm the new Field Medic to you army guys and your ever loving Corpsman to my Marines[/B]