[B]Dutch Hill, Gotham City 6:52 PM[/B] "Those pulses you're seeing are coming from an unseen projector. A holographic display is somewhere in that room, broadcasting an illusion. The pulses are shifts in the light of the hologram, compensating for things like shadow, depth perception, and ambient light. Se looks natural at full speed, but under scrutiny it comes up short. The man with his head on fire is also a hologram too. The projector has to be somewhere in the room, but it's outside the range of the camera." I squinted at the footage from the security equipment. Bruce is absolutely right. Me, my dad, and the entire GCPD have been going at this all wrong. The question isn't how did she did she disappear, it's when did she show up in the first place. If I can figure that out, then we should be able to calculate when his next appearance should be based upon how he sets things up. Also, if I can find the projector, I may be able to trace it to its owner. "Bruce," I began, "is it possible that you can identify the location and time of the illusion's premier?" I scratched my scalp as I awaited an answer from my senior partner. All the while my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't help but wonder if I should directly assist my father in any way. With the help of the GCPD, they may be able to snuff out the projector. But, even if they do, they'll only prevent the mysterious marauder from using that spot or projector.