[b]Name:[/b] Eva Vorhaas [b]Age/Race/Gender:[/b] 27/Human/Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Ana stands at 5'9, a moderate height for most women. She is light skinned, with short blonde hair that just barely reaches her shoulders. Her eyes are a pale blue, just barely managing to not be grey. Her body is thin and slender, but has a moderate amount of muscle on her, with a lack of any fat on her body, due to years of hunting and tracking in the forests. [b]Other:[/b] She bears a long scar from her left shoulder to her right hip. Few see it, and she has yet to tell anyone where and how she got it. [b]Armor/Clothing:[/b] A simple outfit of thick pants, a long sleeved tunic covered with a leather vest, thick boots and gloves. Occasionally, she'll wear a thick coat and a wide-brimmed hat to keep away the cold and rain. [b]Weapons:[/b] She owns a bow, which she is only moderately skilled at using, and even then it is mostly for hunting. There is also a knife, which is kept hidden beneath her pillow. [b]Other Items:[/b] A skinning knife strapped to her belt, along with a pouch that contains her money. [b]Skills:[/b] She is a capable hunter, in that she knows the vital points of many animals and can stay in the same position for hours waiting for prey to pass by. However, she is a mediocre tracker. She is also a skilled taxidermist, able to make realistically posed animals for anyone who has the money to pay for it. Considering her time spent hunting, she is capable with a bow, but is no expert with it. She is also a good trapper, able to make decent traps for small animals without tearing them apart, to keep the fur intact. [b]Abilities:[/b] She possesses no capabilities beyond that of the normal man. [b]Personality:[/b] Eva is a nice woman at a glance, and in conversation she is polite and cordial. However, she often remains distant to others, and so it is really unknown to most just how she is. This doesn't bother most people, though, as she isn't exactly a common face, especially in the autumn and winter months. [/b]History:[/b] Eva is a fairly new face in Blackwater, however she is only in the city itself for a few days at a time a week. Where she came from is unknown to the people, however it is known that she inhabits a small cabin a few miles up the road to the north, and is often visited by people seeking shelter for the night either coming in or out of Blackwater who don't want to chance the few extra miles of road. For all anyone knows, she's just the average hunter and fur trader, with an exceptional skill in taxidermy. Nice, not too loud, and doesn't charge more than what she needs. People like her well enough, and she seems to be just another person in Blackwater.