[quote=Savo] Oh ho ho, eight victims so far that could die, and or survive the school while being mentally scarred for life.So how many players are you looking for Delta? Also, don't want to leave us hanging in a bathroom stall, slowly suffocating and dying from asphyxiation... I mean, poor Seiko already died by that, and you don't want to reuse that death, do ya? :P [/quote] I hated Seiko's death, simply because it was Seiko that died :( but I have interesting plot devices you guys might like revolving around the original characters! Also, no, I'll try not to reuse deaths. I'm currently watching a play through of the second game to see some of the content in that, however it doesn't really matter ^_^ [quote=Kafka Komedy] So, would this RP be Casual. or Free? It doesn't matter all that much to me, just curious. [/quote] Well you see, I'm a little new to this site's RP system, and, although I've a good understanding of how everything works, the way I usually GM and RP off-site is a little different. It probably fits best under the "Free" category simply because the lack of limitations allow for either one-liner posts or several paragraphs of writing. As for everyone else, I'll begin the creation of the OOC and IC threads. A maximum of nine people will be accepted, however if you wish to reserve your position in this RP please say so in this forum.