[b][u]True tragedy[/b][/u] A direct hit. Faster than a bullet. Nver misses. You can't run. You can't hide. Once it hacks into your systeme, you're a gonner. At first, your vains become pulsing black snakes, brimming with deadly venom, slowly closing in on your fragile heart.Then, your limbs get weaker, little by little, at an alarming rate. Waves of nausia and pounding head aches rush in like a monsoon of pain. A series of feints accure, constant. Trapped... Finnaly, your misseries cease to exist when the snakes black venom seeps into your heart. You are no more. What a releif... [hider=more (UNNECESSARY)] [i]'tumble weed'[/i] The girl thought as she strolled down the barren streets of Chorlton. Her small, black glasses glistened in the baking sun and her long, blonde hair subtly waved in the tiny breeze that lifted the dust from the abandoned houses and markets that lined the road. Cracked windows and busted doors. Dieing weeds and rusted cars. It was hard to imagine that the place ever inhabited living people, despite the girls memories from only two years ago. She smiled as she looked up to see not a single cloud in the clear blue sky. Sweat began to mark her tatted shirt and ripped jeans as the sun slowly rose higher and higher. 'tumble weed wou'd be perfect to set the scene' She thought. Suddenly, she abruptly stopped. She sniffed the air and a worried look crept into hern eyes. She began to pick up the pace. [i]'Not far now'[/i] She thought.[i] 'As soon as I get it, I'll leave'[/i] [/hider] [hider=story line (must read)] An illness has truck, world wide. It aims at the heart and the older you are, the more vunerable you are. There for, this leads the world to a point where adults no longer exist. The illness is explained in a story way above (not in the hider box). The streets are barren and if anyone is seen carrying lugage and loot out in the open, they will most likely be killed. KIDS CAN STILL GET THE ILLNESS. It's just slower to get to kids. Very breif description. [u]It is two years since the official release of the illness[/u]. [/hider] [hider=Clans, alliances, loners and societies] Depending on the area, there maybe small towns, inhabited by kids whon have learnt to co-operate with each other. These can vary to three houses on a street trading with each other to whole town squeares of stalls and small farms. There can also be Clans big and small. Thses can be neutrall, friend or foe. Clans are less like soceities. They often pick their recruites and most raid and wreck and hunt other smaller clans and alliances. Some have multipul bases around different areas, where as some are constantly on the move. They [u]often[/u] have a round 10+ people Alliances are like small clans that are less organised and often hunted. They [u]usualy[/u] have around 2-5 people. Loners are people who live alone. Some live off the land while some bracer loners raid small alliances and scoieties. Lacking in number, it is impossible for them to take on clans and large towns with out being captured or killed. That is a strict rule. You can bend that rule by making a truce with alliances and then taking on the clans. [/hider] [hider=age range and imunity] Characters can be eighteen at the maximum. If your character is 18/17, you cam expect them to catch the illness rather quickly. minimum would be four years old and then they would have to be with older kids untill they turned at least 8. Wether a character is imune or not, I will decide when we get through the IC roleplay. I'll decide this on characters I think would suit this. Not becuase of how good the roleplayer is. Imune characters still get the vein effect and can end up looking pretty scary becuase of it still. [/hider] This idea is based on a book I'm making and a film series me and my friend are going to make :) Ask me if you want any extra details. I want a few people before we start and just bear in mind that when I do start accepting forms, it will be quite hard to play as a loner thanks to the little interaction, you can't be raiding time after time again in cannon. raids take planning. Also, sometimes, a little bird (PM) will allert your target(s) of upcoming raids. This goers not only for loners, but for evryone. When you make the decision to raid, I'll use a random nuber selecter, odds and evens or something XD