I'm not posting to put in my interest, but rather to let you know the most probable reason you're not getting any interest here. Please don't take offense to what I say, since my intention [i]is[/i] to help you get more players here. You're typing this as a Legend of Zelda RP, but...all it is is a typical zombie RP with the name "Hyrule" slapped on it. An LoZ zombie RP (which would be cool if properly executed) shouldn't have guns, radios, or hazmat suits, and it [i]CERTAINLY[/i] shouldn't have bomb-droppings, since those completely destroy the fantasy setting of Legend of Zelda before even reaching the get-go. That'd be akin to me doing a Halo RP with magic, elves, and a few pieces of Halo technology. Doesn't sound at all like Halo, right? If you're going to play in Hyrule, you've gotta play by Hyrule's rules, otherwise it isn't [i]actually[/i] Hyrule. Just some place that happens to have the same name. Now, I could definitely help you make a Legend of Zelda zombie RP if you still want to do this. But you have to toss away all thoughts of computers, guns, and so forth if you want to have any hope of this working.