The moon shown brightly on this crisp night, it's rays dancing through the streets. The booming sound of the bells echoed into the air, catching the attention of numerous adventurers. A lot of the focus was centered around one area, The Black Water Tavern. People shoved themselves through the doors, a few throwing hissy fits about the current situation. That's where Ehluria had to be. She walked along the side of the road, small buildings lining the streets. Merchants and craftsman took post in this city, each of them hoping to make money from the recent boom in activity due to the Tales. After weaving through the end of the crowd bursting through the tavern doors, Ehluria eventually reach her destination. As she approached, a very peculiar stranger walked through ahead of her. The heat overwhelmed her the moment she had stepped through. It took a moment, but Ehluria regained her composure and slowly walked further in. She caught the last few words spoken by the one from before, All she wanted was to listen in. She approached the table without saying a word, making herself known with the ruffling of her footsteps. She glanced at each person taking notes in her head. She could tell she wasn't the only determined one.