From happy to distraught in a matter of seconds, was this what their lives were going to be like now? One moment they felt elated, on top of the world and genuinely pleased with themselves, and now reality was crashing back down like a waterfall. Hanta couldn't make himself move as he saw the other player meet his demise, both out of fear and uncertainty. He couldn't save the boy, not against five monsters, not alone. Shiemi shared his despair, sounding properly frightened but what they had witnessed. As the pixels of the player fluttered into the air something inside of Hanta snapped, it felt like a fire was surging through him all of a sudden. That boy had no chance, it wasn't even a fair fight. A cheap trick pulled by the game, by Kayaba Akihiko. That was not a just death, the boy had his life stolen because it was all a game to GM, because Kayaba could. Hanta was enraged at that thought, and in a fit of fury took his sword back out and went after the wolves with no inhibitions. In reality they were all ones and zeros, they had no clue as to what they'd done, but that fact was well beyond him, as was reason. They had to die, he had to show Kayaba that they weren't just going to roll over and die, not for his amusement. He could take them... He'd easily do it. Before he could even lift his arm to swing though he was hit from behind and stopped by Komada. "Komada! Get off of me!" Hanta snapped, wriggling from under his friend. He managed to turn himself around so he came face to face with her, and even in his tempered mood he was fairly put off by how upset Komada seemed, because of him. She was in a proper fit over him, and her being right on top of him made it difficult to get moving again. His anger began to ebb gradually as he heard out her tearful pleas, his grip loosening on the hilt of his sword. She needed him here? To keep her safe? Like he kept that other player safe? Bitterly he moved his gaze away from a moment, out of spite of himself for being incapable of stopping that death. What was he training for if he couldn't keep just one person out of harm's way? If he couldn't save that boy then maybe he wasn't fit to save Shiemi either... "Shiemi... I..." Hanta began, glancing back up at her sadly. He hardly noticed her position, but as soon as he gazed in her direction she let out a timid squeak and scampered off, leaving him a bit puzzled. She was trembling... How badly had he frightened her just then? Smiling sadly he rose to his feet, paying very little mind to those that had gathered around them as he walked over to his friend. "I'm not going anywhere Komada... I'm here." he said softly, placing a hand on her head. His own eyes were stinging as tears gathered in the corners which he quickly blinked away, not wanting to cry now. "Food sounds like a good idea, let's go eat." After sheathing his blade Hanta leaned over, gently placing his hands on Komada's arms and helping her to her feet. People had begun to disperse, as did the monsters thankfully, but it seemed like they had one individual lingering by them. Another boy approached the pair of friends, looking a little angry for some odd reason. About Hanta's size the boy wore a gray jacket over a black and gray stripped shirt, a simple pair of denim pants and black sneakers, and on his back was a greatsword. His cool blue eyes settled on Hanta once he stopped, folding his arms across his chest and giving a small kick of his head to knock his blonde bangs from his eyes. "Why didn't you help him? You were the closest to him," the boy commented, his tone rather cold. "He didn't have to die, you know." Hanta flinched slightly as he was questioned, fairly vulnerable to that at the moment. He already felt guilty as it was, and having another player point out his ineptitude just made it worse. Noting the boy's username to be "Izumo" he lowered his gaze, looking away from both the other boy and Komada shamefully. "I... I don't know... I'm sorry." What a weak reply, that didn't help anything. Biting his lip Hanta scuffed his shoe into the dirt before looking back at Izumo, frowning worriedly. "Was he a friend of yours...?" "No, I've got no idea who he is. But that doesn't matter, he was someone's friend. Now he's gone, and you could have stopped that." Izumo felt justified in his blaming Hanta, and the boy seemed more than willing to take the blame. It was only the first day, people couldn't be dying. If they hoped to clear this game then everyone had to be strong, and more importantly people had to look out for one another. His eyes shifted onto the Komada girl, almost accusingly as he shifted his weight on his foot. She had kept him back, no doubt, and as such those wolves weren't going to be killed. "You two have got to look out for others too, not just yourselves. We're in this together until the end, so try to be there next time?" A distant call drew Izumo's attention away, a group of boys that were presumably in his party. Giving the pair one last spiteful glance he walked off, heading back towards town with his own group. Hanta stood still as he watched Izumo walk off, feeling perfectly numb at the moment. It was his fault that boy had died, he shouldn't have been so casual about someone being on their own. If he'd had just one person with him then that player would be alive still, or maybe they could even have beaten the wolves together. "He's right... It's my fault..." he mumbled despondently. Breathing a heavy sigh he looked over at Komada for a moment before wrapping an arm around her, hugging her against himself as he closed his eyes, trembling slightly. "Nothing is ever going to hurt you, I promise. We're going to get out of this game." So long as he believed that much they would be okay. Now though he felt the burden of the other players, the other few thousand. He was already getting ahead of the curve, and as such wasn't it his responsibility to protect the weaker players? With one last sharp inhale he placed a hand on his friend's back, gently ushering her along as they moved back towards the safety of the town. For now they'd eat, it was safe to say that training was through for the day, and possibly the next.