[quote=WilsonTurner] Rogue was into murderously-aggressive draconians. He only got to use them once, and was an outcast for the most part. Not justifying; I get your point. Just saying that it was done before, and pretty much everyone ganged up against him. Who ever tried to be the Draconians' buddies and change them, hm? Certainly not the peace-loving Equestrians. But that was a opposites thing.The Draconians couldn't take everyone on, and still Rogue got a great deal of flak over them. [/quote] I was speaking about the nations in the current roleplay, they aren't affected by Wilson's sentience gun, not affected by the spores (well they can be, until a Praefectus takes control directly), and I haven't done research but by the discussions... Sukui's sounds like Necromophs from dead space Edit: I've been outcasted for loving good vs evil and good always triumphs over evil no matter how long it takes. My point was the individuals outcasting someone have no right to do so, they just choose to because it benefits them.