So, I rarely stray from doing 1-1 RP's, but I've decided to go ahead and try a group RP. (: Since my obsession right now is The Walking Dead, I'd love to do a zombie-based RP. It'll be set during the zombie apocalypse, so a few years down the road. A virus has broke out, turning people into zombies, and if you get bit, then you're a zombie. The only way to completely kill a zombie is a through the brain, with a bullet or another weapon. A group of survivors band together to survive through the apocalypse. Reality hits when they find out some unfortunate news- everybody has the virus. If someone dies from a natural cause, then they will come back from the dead as a zombie. Can they survive? I'm still working some details out, but I'd just love to do this! I'd like to have at least 6-10 interested people, including myself, before I set this all up. Thank you! <3